Center Point Assembly

Opening Heaven's Gifts - Audio



Sunday, December 26, 2021 – The day after Christmas, I pray you had a wonderful Christmas day with your family and friends. Today, we are going to be continuing in our discussion on “Heavenly Gifts”, focusing on the process of opening them. I find this to be a three-part process as we 1. Anticipate, 2. Appreciate, 3. Finally, we are Thankful. Each phase is important in that they are preparing for the next. As I anticipate what’s ahead, I can find joy in the process of looking forward to what’s coming. And as I appreciate what the gift is and how it can benefit my life, it guards my heart from thinking it’s not enough. And finally, when we get to the third phase of truly being Thankful, we are finding truest fulfillment. A thankful heart leads one into the very presence of God our Heavenly Father. The Psalmist tells us in Psalms 100 that we are to enter His gates with thanksgiving and courts with praise, and to give thanks. It’s our prayer that we all a