Center Point Assembly

The Wise & Foolish Builder - Audio



Sunday, January 30, 2022 – Finally we’ve made it to the last Sunday in the longest and darkest month of the year! Have you noticed the daylight hours getting longer? That’s a good sign…. Today we are speaking of the “Wise and Foolish Builders” that is spoken of in Matthew 7:24-29. Jesus finishes the “Sermon on the Mount” with this parable of a wise man who not only listens to His teachings but also puts them into practice building a solid foundation that withstands the storms of life. Conversely, the man that listens but doesn’t put the teachings into practice is the foolish man that builds on the sand and the house crumbles under the storms. There is much for us to glean from this teaching, so I encourage you to take a few minutes to worship and study with us. Be wise today in how you build your life foundation. The storms are coming, and your foundation will be exposed not only to those around you but more importantly to the Lord that det