Ruach Breath Of Life



Podcast by Ruach Breath of Life


  • The Allness of God - Part Two

    26/05/2023 Duration: 02min

    Music: Mystery Improvisation Musicians: Christiane von Albrecht on piano and Shirley Richards on violin Vivaldi, Cum Sancto Spiritu, from his Gloria in D Musicians: Nicola, Megan, Mike, Peter, Anthony, Francis, Philippa, Christiane M, Jo.

  • Ho everyone who is thirsty - Come to the waters!

    16/03/2023 Duration: 04min

    Featuring uplifting music for harp by the Spanish composer Manuel de Falla, that is wonderfully played for us by Fontane Liang, the title of the piece, La Vida Breve, reminds us that life is short – and that we are to respond to the Lord’s invitation to come and take the free gift of the water of life. Music Manuel de Falla: Vida Breve Performed by Fontane Liang Father, at this time, when many people are feeling the lack of things, and the pressures of life are increasing, we want to respond to Your invitation to come to the waters of life and drink freely. The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” . . . To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life . . . Yes, let the one who is thirsty come and take the free gift of the water of life. (Rev. 21:6, 22:17) Do you remember the cry of Isaiah, Israel’s great prophet to the nations, announcing, “Ho everyone who is thirsty, come to the waters!”? We don’t say ‘Ho’ anymore, but it’s a really strong word in Hebrew - rather like G

  • Why spend our efforts on that which cannot satisfy?

    16/03/2023 Duration: 03min

    The theme of the Lord’s invitation to us continues, this time accompanied by the lapping waters of the River Vltava, (which means ‘Wild Water,’ and is widely known by its German name, the Moldau) as depicted by the Czech composer Bedřich Smetana. Exquisitely performed for us by Fontane Liang, the music beautifully captures the sound of the river as it gathers strength and momentum from its source in the Bohemian mountains, wending its way through a landscape of forests and meadows. It tumbles through the St John’s Rapids before widening out again to pass through Prague on its way to the mighty River Elbe. It is music that is iridescent with Smetana’s love for his homeland, just as we are illumined by the joy of our eternal home as the Holy Spirit flows through our lives. How we need His water of life sparkling within us! At the scent of water, even that which is drooping and failing springs back to life. Why spend our money and direct all our labour to that which cannot satisfy, when He invites us to receive

  • With joy we draw water from the well of salvation (Is. 12:3)

    16/03/2023 Duration: 06min

    Water, and rivers, play a vital part in the history of humankind and it is good to celebrate them, but it is even more important to respond to the Lord’s invitation to come to Him and drink of the eternal water of life. In this second part of Smetana’s depiction of the Moldau river, you will love the rippling effects of the water that Fontane captures so beautifully. May you be refreshed in the depths of your spirit as you receive the sparkling water of life from the Lord’s own hands. Music Moldau from Má Vlast (My Fatherland) by Bedřich Smetana continued. Performed by Fontane Liang. It is no coincidence that two thirds of the earth’s surface is given over to the oceans, nor that a similar percentage of our bodies consists of water, a figure that rises to 85% when it comes to our brains. Rivers have long been the hub of communities, both as a source of pleasure and of commerce. A river flowing safely within its banks is a beauty to behold, and a powerful force for good, bringing fertility and blessing. Bu

  • There is such Vitality and healing in the River of God

    16/03/2023 Duration: 02min

    The Scriptures speak of a wonderful river of life in Heaven that is brim full of vitality and healing. This is an invitation to contemplate the river, and to picture it in our minds and spirits. It is set to beautiful music from Torelli’s Etienne Concerto, and the improvisation that follows it. Music Torelli: Trumpet Concerto in D - ‘Etienne’ 2nd movt Musicians: Philippa Barton, Helen Rees, Julian Chan, Jo Garcia, James Horsfall The closer we get to God the more we discover that there is nothing but life and vitality in Him. It is impossible to express either in words or on paper, the full sense of vitality His close presence brings, or how utterly strong and beautiful His angels are, so full of light and spiritual vim, uncorrupted as they are by the least trace of sin or death. Fill us and all Your people with this sense of vitality, Lord, just as each river brings life to the towns and settlements that spring up around it, its whole length long. May many be touched by those who are endued with the true

  • Ponder The River Flow

    16/03/2023 Duration: 02min

    Set to gentle music by Linda Entwistle, here is an opportunity to ponder the river of God, and the spiritual flow we bring to others, even as rivers bring so many vital nutrients to the regions they pass through, and serve as vital hubs of communication. Where might the river of God’s Spirit be leading you? Music: Linda Louisa: Just Passing Through The more profoundly rooted we are in Jesus, the more our spiritual lives are likely to impact others – and the fuller we are of His Spirit the more our lives will overflow with good things. But failing to seek and honour the Lord in all we do, and to respect the boundaries of Love – or, indeed, rejecting them altogether – cannot fail to introduce a very mixed spirit into the flow of our waters. The more we rely on our own experience and the wisdom of our own age, the greater the likelihood that we will end up sowing error and confusion – just as the spiritually naïve and ambitious stray beyond what is written, imagining themselves called to be and to do certain

  • The Distributary River

    16/03/2023 Duration: 04min

    Jane Horsfall’s exuberant piece, Adonai Elohai, provides the setting for this delightful opportunity to reflect on how God increases the flow and significance of His ‘river’ in our hearts, and the ways in which He distributes His gifts to us, and then enables us in turn to share what He has given us with others. Music: Jane Horsfall: Adonai Elohai Musicians: Jane and James Horsfall, Helen Rees, Philippa Barton, Julian Chan, Jo Garcia, Mike Halliday, Anthony Thompson The source of our own spiritual river may well have been small at the outset – may well still seem so to this day; but is that not how all great rivers begin, before going on to reach a greater breadth and depth, and a stronger flow and greater momentum as their journey progresses? We have not been accumulating wisdom and knowledge through the years just to satisfy ourselves, or to impress others, let alone to compete with them, but to enrich and add to their flow. Praise God for all the ways in which we have contributed to promote a godly flow

  • At Any Point the power of God can break through

    16/03/2023 Duration: 02min

    In our labours to extend the Kingdom of God, there are challenging times when it appears as though our best efforts are bearing little or no fruit, while others seem to spring up before our eyes and bear a mighty harvest. It is a wonderful and reassuring thought that, at any time, the Lord can intervene to water the seeds we sow and bring about a great blessing and release. Let us not give up on sowing, just because we cannot see any green shoots. Music: Colin Owen: Ayre Musicians: Julia, Thomas and Susanne Herzog, Peter Richards Some years ago, a friend told Robert how he had picked up a hitchhiker who he discovered was a Christian. When Robert’s friend asked his passenger how he had come to know the Lord, he was surprised to hear that a certain Robert Weston had given him a lift years before, and had witnessed to him . . . Robert had forgotten all about it, but the Lord hadn’t; He had gone on watering and nurturing the seed and now here it was bearing its own fruit. Praise God for the great life there is

  • Let The Water of Life flow freely through our hearts

    16/03/2023 Duration: 02min

    As we invite the Lord into the deep places of our heart in this meditation, we are accompanied by a traditional tune called ‘To danton me.’ ‘Danton’ (or daunton or daunten) is an old Scots word meaning ‘to frighten, subdue, discourage or cast down in spirit.’ How blessed we are to be able to ask for the waters that Jesus gives us, for they spring up to eternal life, whatever our inward temperament, flowing over and around challenging outward circumstances even as mighty waters either wear rocks to pieces or flow around them. Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why the unease within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Saviour and my God. (Ps. 42:5,11) Music: Barsanti: To danton me Musicians: Francis Cummings, Catherine Muncey, Natalie Halliday, James Horsfall Father, come deep into the recesses of our heart. Come into those places that rarely, if ever, see the light of love, the places that we try to enclose and enfold in as if we could hide them from Your sight. We say, let Your light, the

  • Transfiguration - Transfigured to Glory

    04/03/2023 Duration: 05min

    Lord, you dwell in the heights, but also with those who are humble at heart. keep us walking humbly in Your way. let Your glory touch our hearts our homes, our travels, our relationships, our places of work. “Let nothing disturb you, nothing frighten you; all things pass, but God never changes. His Patience achieves all it intends; and He who has God will want for nothing.” Therefore, Father, we rest in the love that supports us all the days of our life, as we embark on all that you have called us to be and to do for You, may the joy of the Risen Transfigured Christ, the intimacy of the Father and the encouragement of the Holy Spirit be ours this day and forever; by day and by night, both waking and sleeping, until the morning star rises in our hearts, and we are transfigured into the likeness of our coming King. Lord, when You return to Earth, riding on the clouds of glory, with death defeated and every victory won, You will take captivity captive and recompense Your saints. Even so, come qui

  • Transfiguration - The Father reveals His Glory

    03/03/2023 Duration: 05min

    Transfiguration - track 1 - The Father reveals His Glory Flute music (Dave Hart) Track 1 Rise up and see (Linda Entwistle) “Peter, who do people say that I am? And who do you say that I am?” “Lord, you are the Christ, the Son of God.” “‘Blessed are you, Simon, son of Jonah; for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood but by my Father in heaven. Now the Son of man must make His way to Jerusalem and suffer many things, before being put to death, and being raised from the dead on the third day.” “Peter, James, John; come with Me; we’re going up this mountain!” “Why this detour Lord? If You’re going to teach and feed the crowds again, where are they? And what about all the people in need down there in the valleys?” Peter and the others had no idea that they were about to witness something still more awesome than when the voice spoke from the cloud above Mt Sinai. The glory of the Lord was about to break through. As Jesus was praying, the appearance of His face changed; His face shone like the s

  • Transfiguration - Jesus - Life-bringer, Trail-blazer

    03/03/2023 Duration: 01min

    Transfiguration - track 2 -Jesus - Life-bringer, Trail-blazer The Blessing (Dave Hart) Celtic music Jesus told the disciples to keep quiet about what they had seen – but they were confused. None of them had understood what He meant when He told them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be killed, but that on the third day He would be raised to life. As friends so often do, they tried to steer Him away from the path that would lead to the Cross. They had no way of knowing that this was how God had planned to reconcile the world to Himself. Jesus, Life-bringer and Trail-Blazer, Hope-Giver and Soul Restorer, Open our eyes to see You as You really are. As we set our hearts to follow where You lead. Shine Your light into the dark places, where fear grips and doubts assail. Draw us after You, and we will run together through all life’s mazes and in all its joys, leading, guarding, guiding every day, every hour, every place.

  • Transfiguration - Why are we so afraid

    03/03/2023 Duration: 03min

    Transfiguration - track 3 - Why are we so afraid Fire from the North improvisation (led by Francis Cummings) Lord, why are we so afraid of Your leading? Lead us further on into Your purposes. When we come into the loveliness of Your presence, there’s nowhere we would rather be. Forgive us when we hold back on You, for You are always going ahead to plan and prepare new things. Keep our hearts focused, so that when strange and fiery trials come our way, we will not be overwhelmed. We worship and adore You, Lord, We dare not build booths, but we praise You, for the wonderful gifts you have given us. In our lives and in our homes, May we welcome angels unawares. May the gift of hospitality touch people’s hearts and bring lasting fruit from Heaven. We pray special blessings on all homes and families that are experiencing unusual trouble or prolonged stress. While the Lord Jesus was still speaking, a bright cloud enveloped them, and a voice came from the cloud, saying, “This is my Son, whom I l

  • Transfiguration - With God in the Darkness

    03/03/2023 Duration: 06min

    Music from The Return (Wellspring; reproduced with kind permission by Mike and Sally Thornton) The Transfiguration reminds us that at any time God’s power and glory can break through – but we will not always feel so intensely the nearness of heaven. When the voice from heaven had spoken, the disciples found that Jesus was alone. (Luke 9:36) We can no more hold on to these experiences than Peter could. God works according to His own timeframe. There are reasons for His delays, but we never feel more alone than when we set out in faith to accomplish something only to find that it has not worked out as we had hoped or expected. All the joy the disciples had experienced on the mountainside evaporated as they re-entered the world of illness sin and unbelief and found themselves unable to heal a boy. Lord, when we come down the mountainside and find ourselves confronted by pressing problems, may we continue to pursue the God of the Breakthrough, and yield no foothold to despair. Let us glimpse what You are doing

  • Transfiguration - Purify our Hearts desire

    03/03/2023 Duration: 03min

    Transfiguration - track 5 - Purify our Hearts Desire Harp music from Lauda (Bill Klein) The miracle on the Mount of Transfiguration foreshadows not only the Cross but also the Resurrection itself. For the light of God’s glory to remain in us, we must keep our hearts pure and free from lust and bitterness. Lord, You taught us on another mountain, that the pure in heart are blessed. Purify our heart’s desire, that we may we see and understand Your ways, and overflow with a compassion that mirrors Your own. Help us bite back cutting words before they wreak hurt and havoc in people’s hearts and lives. Help us not to despise or disbelieve someone who is telling me truths beyond our present experience, but to be willing to embrace all that truly comes from You. “You shall not covet your neighbour's wife. You shall not set your desire on your neighbour's house or land, his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbour.” Lord, help us to see each other aright. Ma

  • Transfiguration - The Mercy of the Cross

    03/03/2023 Duration: 05min

    Transfiguration - track 6 - The Mercy of the Cross Fire from the North improvisation led by Francis Cummings (The God Who reconciles) The miracle on the Mount of Transfiguration points the way to ultimate Reconciliation. Through the mercy of the Cross, there is neither Jew nor Gentile, black nor white – though to our shame we continue to perpetuate such divisions. Forgive us where we build barriers instead of bridges, and fail to honour Your presence in each other. Where I can put wrongs right, let me reach out in love and forgiveness Especially towards Christians of differing traditions, and toward those for whom I feel no instinctive affection. Wash me clean from words that defame, deeds that shame, and thoughts that defile. Cleanse me from the arrogance that insists on my own way, the prejudice that poses as wisdom, the contempt that stems from pride, and from the envy and ill will that lies so close beneath the surface of my heart. Cleanse me from all eagerness to indulge in gossip, slander

  • Transfiguration - Stages of Life

    03/03/2023 Duration: 03min

    Transfiguration - track 7 - Stages of Life Innocence (Dave Hart) Harp music from Lauda (Bill Klein) When I look into the eyes of a new born baby, I pray that the Lord will keep them from all that will defile their soul and spirit. I long for Jesus to take them by the hand, keep them in body soul and mind and make them men and women after God’s heart. May the Lord guard and guide them as they grow, Open their hearts to the wonder of His grace keep them seeking Him with all their being and fill them with insights into the heart of the Lord. For the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty saviour. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” For He is the Alpha and the Omega, Who sees the end from the beginning, yet walks with us through every delay and obstacle from the moment we are conceived to the moment He calls us home to glory. Thank You Lord that You delight to reveal Your

  • Transfiguration - Love that reaches out

    03/03/2023 Duration: 02min

    Transfiguration - track 8 - Love that reaches out Sacrifice (Dave Hart) At the constant risk of being rejected love always reaches out. As the Lord Jesus shared fellowship on the mountainside with His awe-struck disciples He foresaw the struggles they would endure as they sought to fulfil their God-given mission. Even as the glory shone upon the mountain of transfiguration, Moses and Elijah spoke about the suffering that Jesus was shortly to endure. For every person on a mountaintop today, many others find themselves in valleys filled with grief and mourning. Lord, the ways by which You lead us often seem mysterious, especially when precious things and people are taken from us and nothing makes sense any longer. We would not have chosen it this way, Lord, but because You make all things work together for good, we cry to You to turn these circumstances around for Your own good purposes. Lord of bruised and broken hearts, where threatening clouds overshadow, send Your light to oust the darkness and to bid

  • Transfiguration - In the Tossing of Nations

    03/03/2023 Duration: 04min

    Transfiguration - track 9 - In the tossing of Nations Swedish Folksong (arranged by Francis Cummings) From the heights of Mount Hermon, the Lord Jesus looked down across the nation, knowing His disciples were soon to embark on the greatest mission of transformation the world has ever known. The Transfiguration reminds us that the final seat of authority resides in the courts of heaven. But Scripture also teaches us to pray for earthly seats of power, imperfect though they are. In the tossing of the nations and the pride of earthly kingdoms, we confess that we have set up laws that challenge the decrees of Heaven. Our guilt towers to the skies, and Your judgement rests heavily upon us. May lawmakers, politicians and reporters catch the echo of Your heart for the world, and reflect the principles of Your love and justice. Exert and establish Your will, in Westminster, Brussels, Strasbourg, and in all centres of power. From the storehouses of heaven, we ask You to champion the plans of godly men and wo

  • Transfiguration - Light Revival Fires

    03/03/2023 Duration: 03min

    Transfiguration - Track 11 - Light Revival Fires Fire from the North improvisation led by Francis Cummings Establish outposts of Your kingdom in hurting communities we pray, in plush suburbia and on crack and violence-ridden estates. Extend Your covering over the Church that bears Your name, and over all who depend on livestock, soil or sea., All hospitals and social services; all schools and universities, businesses and factories, that with the shops and civic establishments form the core of our communities. Forgive us, Lord, for forfeiting the faith foundations of our nation. We have been slow to proclaim Your Gospel, and quick to compromise. We have dethroned You in our land and in our lives, leaving broken homes and hurting children, and violence in our homes and streets Forgive us for tolerating injustice. As we repent of our many failures, come in mercy to cleanse and renew. We pray now for a fresh out pouring of Your Holy Spirit in Your Church and upon our homes. In Jesus’ name, send Your convi

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