Ruach Breath Of Life

Transfiguration - Why are we so afraid



Transfiguration - track 3 - Why are we so afraid Fire from the North improvisation (led by Francis Cummings) Lord, why are we so afraid of Your leading? Lead us further on into Your purposes. When we come into the loveliness of Your presence, there’s nowhere we would rather be. Forgive us when we hold back on You, for You are always going ahead to plan and prepare new things. Keep our hearts focused, so that when strange and fiery trials come our way, we will not be overwhelmed. We worship and adore You, Lord, We dare not build booths, but we praise You, for the wonderful gifts you have given us. In our lives and in our homes, May we welcome angels unawares. May the gift of hospitality touch people’s hearts and bring lasting fruit from Heaven. We pray special blessings on all homes and families that are experiencing unusual trouble or prolonged stress. While the Lord Jesus was still speaking, a bright cloud enveloped them, and a voice came from the cloud, saying, “This is my Son, whom I l