Ruach Breath Of Life

Ponder The River Flow



Set to gentle music by Linda Entwistle, here is an opportunity to ponder the river of God, and the spiritual flow we bring to others, even as rivers bring so many vital nutrients to the regions they pass through, and serve as vital hubs of communication. Where might the river of God’s Spirit be leading you? Music: Linda Louisa: Just Passing Through The more profoundly rooted we are in Jesus, the more our spiritual lives are likely to impact others – and the fuller we are of His Spirit the more our lives will overflow with good things. But failing to seek and honour the Lord in all we do, and to respect the boundaries of Love – or, indeed, rejecting them altogether – cannot fail to introduce a very mixed spirit into the flow of our waters. The more we rely on our own experience and the wisdom of our own age, the greater the likelihood that we will end up sowing error and confusion – just as the spiritually naïve and ambitious stray beyond what is written, imagining themselves called to be and to do certain