Ruach Breath Of Life



Podcast by Ruach Breath of Life


  • Transfiguration - The Call of God resounds

    03/03/2023 Duration: 04min

    Transfiguration Track 12 - The Call Of God Resounds Celtic Lament (Francis Cummings) The call of God resounds across the earth, from farthest east to deepest south, in faith-resistant West and hardened northern climes. Lord, light the fire of Your Spirit’s power Let the people of God rise up this day. Let banners wave and trumpets sound, as the call extends around the world. Lord, light the fire of Your Spirit’s power Show us Your strength, as You have done before. from one end of the earth to the other. Pour out Your anointing oil that the world may know that Jesus is alive. Lord, light the fire of Your Spirit’s power God of grace and Ruler of all, You love and weep for these people. Wash these nations clean, even as the waves of Your oceans scour the beaches of the world. High King of Heaven, hold them close to Your heart. Raise up missionaries for Your vineyards, O Lord of the Harvest, evangelists to make You known, and prophets, pastors and teachers to support and sustain the seeds they plant

  • Prelude for Ukraine

    14/02/2023 Duration: 02min

    s we approach the first anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24th, Vladimir Putin has threatened to grab the attention of the world by doing something dramatic. From the beginning of the war, he has sought to intimidate the West and deter any decisive action against him, without actually doing so. Perhaps he is crying wolf this time also – but the fact remains that the Russian ‘bear’ is equipped with very sharp teeth. It is all the more precious and important therefore that we press in to seek the Lord at this time. What is happening in Ukraine is impacting the whole world. So much we can all see, but let’s remember that there are many unseen influences and effects at work too, from the effects of cyber warfare and the dangers of radiation, and through to influences that are overtly demonic inciting cruelty and hatred. It is not only what is evil that is at work, though, but also the unseen work of the Spirit of God, drawing many to Himself. The music reflects the beauty of His appeal.

  • Outcry against savagery

    14/02/2023 Duration: 04min

    Not only has Stalin’s reputation experienced a resurgence of acceptability and admiration in modern day Russia, but Putin himself is waging war with a level of savagery that rivals that of his bloodthirsty and ruthless predecessor. Let’s pray for a rising up of voices from within Russia to cry out against the war: the power of grieving wives and mothers is perhaps still more potent than street protests. Even in this, the Holy Spirit will be at work in unseen ways. The solo flute piece you will hear is Debussy’s Syrinx, performed for us many years ago by Elizabeth Long.

  • Praying for Ukraine: the Bread Basket of the World

    14/02/2023 Duration: 03min

    Few, and certainly not the present writer, could have foreseen the emergence of President Zelensky onto the world stage in the starring central role that he has risen to. It takes an unusually gifted man to inspire and motivate American Congress and British Parliament alike to commit themselves to a distant campaign. Ever conscious of the need to win global support, Zelensky has also led the charge against swathes of corruption that had been plaguing the country. It is clearly both important and strategic to pray for this man and his family, who has mobilised the morale of his nation and brought about a release of armaments that would certainly not have otherwise come about. Pray for his protection and for good judgement and wise decision making concerning the many pressing matters he constantly has to deal with on all fronts. Oboe concerto, RV 447 (2nd movement) by Vivaldi Musicians led by Thomas and Susanne Herzog (oboe and violin)

  • Ever increasing Escalation

    14/02/2023 Duration: 05min

    Some trust in (rely on) chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God. (Some nations boast of armies and of weaponry, but our boast is in the Lord our God TLB) They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm. LORD, give victory to the king! Answer when we call! (from Psalm 20) The verb to escalate is only acquired its modern usage in recent times. Deriving from the Latin scala ladder, and passing through ‘escalade’ (meaning ‘to assail a city by means of siege ladders), the West has been understandably cautious of escalating the conflict with Russia – but this at a time when that country has been throwing the entire weight of its considerable military weight and force against a nation many times its inferior in size and population. There has only been one country in this conflict guilty of escalation, and that is Russia, which has, effectively, declared war against the West. Ukraine has lost huge numbers of its fighting troops and remains heavily outnumb

  • The friends of Ukraine must stand firm

    14/02/2023 Duration: 04min

    This is also an important time to pray for Israel, not least in respect of its relationships with Ukraine and Russia. Therefore, you kings, be wise; be warned, you rulers of the earth. Serve the LORD with fear and celebrate His rule with trembling. (Ps. 2:10-11) The present administration in Washington has shown itself a faithful friend of Ukraine, and supporter of NATO. Prayer for America to continue to stand firm is vital. Pray for America to stand firm. It is easy for nations to backtrack on their commitments. Pray too for Israel, not least in respect of its standing in regard to Ukraine and Russia. Unique in its history as the chosen people and land of God, and unique in its eschatological role as the place to which the Lord Jesus will return to rule on earth, the in-between time remains fraught and complex for Israel. All the more so since the most right-wing government in the nation’s short history has come to power, one that very many in the country, let alone abroad, are exceedingly wary of as

  • Cyber and information warfare

    14/02/2023 Duration: 04min

    There are many unseen threats in our times. We have often asked for prayer to protect the world global network. Against external attack. An example from a dramatic example from the code breaking operations during the Second World War serves as an incentive to re-knew our prayers in this sphere There are many other threats, however, which are ultimately self-inflicted, but which equally serve to curtail the frontiers of free speech, and with it to threaten the freedom to preach the gospel. This section is accompanied by a powerful improvisation that Peter Richards played on his French horn.

  • On the brink

    14/02/2023 Duration: 04min

    The whole world is watching with concern as Sino-American tensions ramp up to dangerous high levels. Beyond mutual trade reprisals, the matter of Taiwan, and new US bases in the Philippines are among the bones of contention. It would not take much to tip the simmering hostilities over into a full-blown war between the two superpowers. There are many ways in which both the conflict in Ukraine and with China could escalate into global, as this prophecy from Norway in 1968 makes clear. As Paul put it in 2 Thessalonians 2:6-8), ‘You know what is holding [the man of lawlessness] back, for he can be revealed only when his time comes. For this lawlessness is already at work secretly, and it will remain secret until the one who is holding it back steps out of the way. Then the man of lawlessness will be revealed, but the Lord Jesus will slay him with the breath of his mouth and destroy him by the splendour of His coming. (NLT) Or as John foresaw, ‘Then anothe

  • Doxology for Ukraine

    14/02/2023 Duration: 01min

    As we round off this prayer presentation with this simple offering of praise, the music of our opening piece returns. Anthony exquisitely captures in the beautiful trumpet obligato that he improvised. It is exquisitely complemented by the beautiful trumpet obligato part that Anthony improvised around the piece we began this presentation with: the beautiful mediaeval Orthodox chant. The musicians were Francis Cummings, Christiane Max, Corinne Frost, Jo Garcia, Nicola Gerrard and Anthony Thompson. A huge thank you all the musicians who played at the various events which made these recordings.

  • Transfigurations - Let the Power of Your Spirit sweep more and more into Your Kingdom

    09/02/2023 Duration: 03min

    Transfigurations - Track 10 - Let the Power of Your Spirit Fire from the North improvisation led by Francis Cummings Across the boundless steppes of Mongolia and Central Asia, and the teeming millions of South East Asia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia, let the power of Your Spirit sweep more and more into Your kingdom. Spirit of Love, strengthen all who are enduring the pressing vice of totalitarian regimes, that the faith of Your children in Vietnam, North Korea and Laos may not falter, but grow from week to week. Pour out Your strength and help them rise above the pressures that unjust leaders and evil ruling spirits send to crush their souls. Touch hearts and minds in Thailand, Cambodia and troubled Burma. Establish Your Church in purity and holiness; and rescue lives from depravity and oppression. Stoke revival fires in South and Central America that millions may cherish the name of Jesus In sprawling shanty towns and crowded metropolis. Let praises resound to You in both the Spanish a

  • My Heart is not Proud

    30/01/2023 Duration: 03min

    My Heart is not proud Linda Entwistle wrote this exquisite setting of Psalm 131 in her early 20s. She writes, “It is a reminder that, although we get caught up in the challenging themes of life of the current day, it is vitally important to rest on God, as Mother and nurturer as well as to know Him as our Heavenly Father. Everything we have, and all our strength comes from Him.” David Booth has written and recorded a guitar part to accompany it.

  • As the war in Ukraine grinds on

    21/01/2023 Duration: 02min

    As the war in Ukraine grinds on, locked in the melancholy of its bitter blood-soaked conflict, where the shock of each new pulverising strike fuels the bitterness and fans the hatred, like icebergs clashing and crashing against each other, let some manifestation of Your tenderness steal over bruised and damaged hearts, and seal both inner and outer wounds, Utter knowing, utter caring, that knows exactly how things are; and which holds and guards us through the brutal storm and shaking assaults that are decimating the land and extending spiralling threats far beyond the fields of battle to menace the entire western lands, O God send some green olive leaves to betoken some hope beyond the horizon as a sign of better things to come. Unblock stunted senses and grant grace to rise above brusque and sullen attitudes to glimpse Your warm embracing tenderness, that brings consolation beyond compare, unconditional support and the deep inner empowering of knowing that You are there. For it will be the seem

  • God's Dream

    14/01/2023 Duration: 02min

    God’s Dream by Charles Péguy(1873-1914) The lovely music is an improvisation by Julia Herzog and Fontane Liang that we have called 'Fields of Saffron.' The Lord God said: I Myself will dream a dream within you… Good dreams come from Me you know… My dreams seem impossible not too practical not for the cautious man or woman a little risky perhaps a trifle brash perhaps Some of My friends prefer to rest more comfortably, in sounder sleep, with visionless eyes… But from those who share My dreams I ask a little more patience, a little humour, some small courage and a listening heart I will do the rest… Then they will risk and wonder at their daring Run – and marvel at their speed… Build – and stand in awe at the beauty of their building… You will meet Me often as you work… in your companions who share the risk… in your friends who believe in you enough to lend their own hands their own hearts to your building… In the people who will stand in your doorway, stay awhile,and walk away knowing that they too can

  • O Lord we adore You

    13/01/2023 Duration: 05min

    O Lord we adore You by Ruach Breath of Life

  • Lord, hear our prayer by Grace Nadin

    30/12/2022 Duration: 03min

    Lord, hear our prayer, how we long to worship You. Lord, hear our prayer, as we lift our hearts to You. O Lord, how Your Kingship carries on the wind, we long to be the whisper of the breeze You bring. Lord, hear our cry, how we long to walk with You. Lord, hear our cry as we lift our voice to You. O Lord, how Your presence hides us in Your wings; we long to be the feathers of the peace You bring. Lord, hear our song, how we long to bring You praise. Lord, hear our song as we lift our hearts and voice O Lord, how Your loving pours on us like rain; we long to be the rivers flowing with the same. Vocals - Megan Topper Violin - Francis Cummings Flute - Nicola Gerrard Clarinet - Mike Halliday Cello - Jo Garcia Keys - Christiane von Albrecht Guitar - David Booth

  • Deliver Us In Our Inmost Being

    23/12/2022 Duration: 01min

    Bach: Sinfonia from Cantata Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis (BWV 21) Musicians: Thomas Herzog (oboe) Susanne Herzog and Anne Seidel (violins) and Alex Koderisch (cello) Cleanse our inmost desires. Help us to love what You love and to hate the ways by which evil appeals to our senses. Straighten out our muddled longings, Lord, especially those which would make us quest after things which in reality would do us a great deal of harm. Lord, deliver us from evil. May humility, truth and love safeguard us from the evil one. When I see someone who is so much more obviously blessed and gifted than I am, help me not to feel rejected or passed over. Keep me from the sharp pangs of jealousy and envy. I hand these feelings to You now. Lord, deliver us from the power of envy and rejection. Release my heart to weep with those who weep and to rejoice with those who rejoice.

  • Deliver us from evil

    23/12/2022 Duration: 02min

    Torelli: Trumpet Concerto in D (Etienne), 2nd movement Musicians: Philippa Barton, Helen Rees, Julian Chan, Jo Garcia, (strings) James Horsfall (keyboard) Solzhenitsyn wrote, ‘The line dividing good and evil cuts through the hearts of every human being, and which of us is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?’ Make us willing to face the things we need to face. Help us to overcome evil not just by avoiding infringing specific laws, but by being diligent in seeking You. May no pressures from within or without blunt our zeal for You. Lord, deliver us from evil. Confound confusion, scatter all the powers that are arrayed against us. Increase the flow of trust and the spirit of prayer within our hearts. “No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me," declares the Lord. We pray for those whose days are spent in close proximity to scheming people and corrup

  • Settle our spirits in the Peace of all peace

    14/12/2022 Duration: 06min

    May the Lord draw close to you at the end of this day, as you join with Ros, Grace and myself in praying for His presents to and be with you through the night. It would be hard to imagine a more glorious piece of music than this chant from Taizé, which our friends from Wellspring sang, and which we are grateful to have permission to use here.

  • Come Spirit of Prayer

    04/12/2022 Duration: 03min

    Join Ros, Grace, Sally and myself as we pray the Lord's covering over the span of our nation, and Shirley Richards, Helen Rees, Cathie Muncey, Chian Lewis Lim, Corinne Frost (strings) and Fontane Liang (keyboard) as they lead us in the beautiful music of the second movement of Vivaldi’s Concerto in D minor Op. 8:7 RV 242. This is followed by a well-known piece that we are offering as an Interlude to provide space for a prayerful response. We asked Thomas Herzog (recorder) Susanne Herzog and Anne Seidel (violins) and Alex Koderisch (cello) to record this most traditional of English pieces from Germany as a way of blessing England as we in turn bless Germany - and Vivaldi’s home country of Italy. Bless all who even now are waking up on the far side of the world and looking to You. Hold our nation in the palm of Your hand. As night falls and the workers of darkness bestir themselves, Protect our land from their malice and from acts of wanton destruction. Loose each victim from those who send out tormenti

  • Seeking First The Kingdom

    23/11/2022 Duration: 03min

    Seeking First The Kingdom by Ruach Breath of Life

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