Ruach Breath Of Life

At Any Point the power of God can break through



In our labours to extend the Kingdom of God, there are challenging times when it appears as though our best efforts are bearing little or no fruit, while others seem to spring up before our eyes and bear a mighty harvest. It is a wonderful and reassuring thought that, at any time, the Lord can intervene to water the seeds we sow and bring about a great blessing and release. Let us not give up on sowing, just because we cannot see any green shoots. Music: Colin Owen: Ayre Musicians: Julia, Thomas and Susanne Herzog, Peter Richards Some years ago, a friend told Robert how he had picked up a hitchhiker who he discovered was a Christian. When Robert’s friend asked his passenger how he had come to know the Lord, he was surprised to hear that a certain Robert Weston had given him a lift years before, and had witnessed to him . . . Robert had forgotten all about it, but the Lord hadn’t; He had gone on watering and nurturing the seed and now here it was bearing its own fruit. Praise God for the great life there is