Ruach Breath Of Life

Transfiguration - In the Tossing of Nations



Transfiguration - track 9 - In the tossing of Nations Swedish Folksong (arranged by Francis Cummings) From the heights of Mount Hermon, the Lord Jesus looked down across the nation, knowing His disciples were soon to embark on the greatest mission of transformation the world has ever known. The Transfiguration reminds us that the final seat of authority resides in the courts of heaven. But Scripture also teaches us to pray for earthly seats of power, imperfect though they are. In the tossing of the nations and the pride of earthly kingdoms, we confess that we have set up laws that challenge the decrees of Heaven. Our guilt towers to the skies, and Your judgement rests heavily upon us. May lawmakers, politicians and reporters catch the echo of Your heart for the world, and reflect the principles of Your love and justice. Exert and establish Your will, in Westminster, Brussels, Strasbourg, and in all centres of power. From the storehouses of heaven, we ask You to champion the plans of godly men and wo