Ruach Breath Of Life

Transfiguration - The Mercy of the Cross



Transfiguration - track 6 - The Mercy of the Cross Fire from the North improvisation led by Francis Cummings (The God Who reconciles) The miracle on the Mount of Transfiguration points the way to ultimate Reconciliation. Through the mercy of the Cross, there is neither Jew nor Gentile, black nor white – though to our shame we continue to perpetuate such divisions. Forgive us where we build barriers instead of bridges, and fail to honour Your presence in each other. Where I can put wrongs right, let me reach out in love and forgiveness Especially towards Christians of differing traditions, and toward those for whom I feel no instinctive affection. Wash me clean from words that defame, deeds that shame, and thoughts that defile. Cleanse me from the arrogance that insists on my own way, the prejudice that poses as wisdom, the contempt that stems from pride, and from the envy and ill will that lies so close beneath the surface of my heart. Cleanse me from all eagerness to indulge in gossip, slander