Home Row



Home Row is a podcast of three folks from different backgrounds of gaming, with totally different likes and dislikes, who jump on and blast opinions in your ears.  Each week we take a news story, game we played, or some sort of gaming related revelation and break it down, usually passionately.  Passion means yelling.  Submit your ideas for topics/news/deep thoughts to joe@playenlightened.com or tweet to us (links below) and we'll call you out in the episode!VERY Special thank you to Dean Cutty for the HomeRow theme and John Wagner for the Logo!!Doxy -Twitch.tv/Zer0Doxy//Twitter- The resident glutton for punishment and indie lover. Doxy has a long and storied past of getting her ass kicked in everything from Binding of Isaac and Spelunky, to every Souls game thus far.  She's got a knack for finding some of the best looking, and most fascinating indies out there.Brian -Twitch.tv/Quiglin//Twitter- The JRPG guy, Brian's had time with CoinOp.tv as a reviews guy, previews guy, news guy, just all around good guy.  Even though he's from Cincinatti, he's still ok...mostly.Joe -Twitch.tv/JoeMcCallister //Twitter- Probably the bro gamer category of the bunch, really into AAA games, reviewing for Examiner.com he typically gets some big games to talk about that are hot in the news, and dominate headlines.  Joe isn't against indies or JRPG's per say, but will always cry about having "no time" to play.  There's a T-shirt idea in there somewhere.


  • Kojima Korner!!!

    15/07/2016 Duration: 55min

    Oh my god we're back again. Brothers sisters everybody, and friends? Admission - audio quality is awful because Joe is a dumb dumb and had the wrong mic selected. We're not your source for news for E3 so we're going to talk about what we're playing and a little bit about what's going on. Our E3 reactions, analysis, and arguments are coming early next week in a rare double does of HomeRow so check back!This week we talk the Kojima Korner and his exit from Konami, new Death Stranding and what is a whale doing.Allison Road has gone bye bye :( and we're not pumped - but we read too much into words on Twitter anyway. This is really the only news we've got, and it's a bummer. 

  • Shady's Back

    14/07/2016 Duration: 01h16min

    WE'RE BACK AGAIN! We know you don't get sick of it so we came back and these hiatus' might just happen when you least expect them. There's a bit of news, our buddy Kojima decided 3 weeks was long enough to be quiet, and we played a ton of games. So many that we can't list them here so you'll need to check the whole video out? (Ok just one...Arkshot is pretty neat).

  • LIVE SHOW! We are your home...row podcast.

    13/07/2016 Duration: 01h10min

    Joe, Doxy and Brian did episode 30 in style with their monthly Live Show!  We talk the gamut of everything from Virtual Reality to Video Games to Hot Pockets. Want to know our favorite fast food french fries?  Guess you'll have to listen.Doxy played The Long Dark and talked about watching Flamebreak.  Joe is playing MLB 16 The Show, but no one cared, as well as Dark Souls III, which everyone cared muchly about.  Brian played Nights of Azure and Marble Mountain and goofed around with his new Gear VR headset. -- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/homerowpodcast

  • Nailed It!

    12/07/2016 Duration: 01h09min

    In this exciting and thrilling episode of the Homerow podcast, not only are we joined by the incomparable, the inconceivable, the in-effing-credible Deafinition, but ALSO we've got PlayStationVR pricing, specs, and a release date. The XBox One is going to be modular (probably), Windows 10 will get more love than ever from Microsoft in a gaming sense, and Pewdiepie goes on Conan to mixed reactions. We have some pretty typical Homerow tech issues on this show, as is tradition but we also hear about how Stardew Valley is taking the world by storm, including Doxy and Deafinition - how we can't stop playing the Division but there are cracks in the surface if you look too close, and Quiglin is cleaning up the backlog from 2015 with some big ones like Assassin's Creed Syndicate and Rise of the Tomb Raider. Deaf talks about his love for WoW and Rift while Doxy contemplates a new video adventure for the masses in one of those lovely MMORPG's.Quiglin put up an extraordinary piece with some great sourcing on Coin-op reg

  • E3 Recap!

    11/07/2016 Duration: 01h47min

    Consistency isn't our strong suit - but we're back with our E3 reactions. Joe takes full responsibility for this late posting and feels pretty awful about it :(We hit it all - God of War, Death Stranding (KOJIMA KORNER!!!), Resident Evil VII: Biohazard, Horizon Zero Dawn, notable exclusions to the show, who focused on what and how, and some of the discussion might surprise you ( Doxy not necessarily into God of War? What?!)We've been playing stuff, sure - but these past few weeks have been so jam-packed with news we thought we'd skip that segment this week and get back to it next time. LIVE SHOW COMING SOON! Doxy - http://www.Twitch.tv/Zer0Doxy // http://Twitter.com/zerodoxyBrian - http://www.Twitch.tv/Quiglin // http://www.Twitter.com/quiglinJoe - http://www.Twitch.tv/JoeMcCallister // http://www.Twitter.com/joe_mccallister

  • Timber! Prepare for Titanfall

    11/07/2016 Duration: 01h16min

    Doxy, Joe, and Brian are back to talk about the recent announcements of Titanfall 2 and Amazon's Lumberyard.  Of course, you can expect the train to fly off the rails at many points as there is no Kojima in the news this week and not all of us can clap with one hand.We also talk about the games we've been playing this week. Gushing ensues when Doxy announces she may have found her new favorite game - Warhammer End Times Vermintide.  Brian isn't quite as enthusiastic as he has been cleaning up his playthrough of Assassin's Creed Syndicate.  He also played EA Early Access of Unravel.  Check out his Unravel video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MoD6rvEonhsJoe is back on the wagon and avoided Battlefield Hardline.  He played Dying Light: The Following DLC.  Spoiler: He really likes it.  Lastly, Joe dives into Until Dawn.Brian also makes a huge confession. (admitted clickbait)

  • Homerow Podcast 27 - AlPAXcapatrol

    05/02/2016 Duration: 01h12min

    On this, the epic 27th entry in the odyssey of the Home Row podcast we welcome Alpacapatrol, our esteemed guest and nobleman. Slow news week – but that won’t stop KOJIMA KORNER!! The DICE Summit will feature talks from Kojima and Guillermo Del Toro about the creative process as well as Gearbox Software’s Randy Pitchford – check out some of the cool past talks from what is basically TED talks for games here (there’s one with JJ Abrams and Gabe Newell!) : http://www.dicesummit.org/ Brian went to PAX South – which was awesome and saw a TON of great games. Gushing about games like Umbrella Corps, Street Fighter V, Moving Hazard, Dead Star, Ultimate Chicken Horse, Stories: Path of Destinies, Marble Mountain, Enter the Gungeon and Omnibus. We learned there’s a thriving and passionate bus simulator community, Re/Core developers are hard at work on a really cool space game in the interim, and SF:V has some incredible artwork.Brian also got to try the HTC Vive with the aforementioned Marble Mountain, and this spawned

  • Episode 26 - Buttfinger

    28/01/2016 Duration: 01h31min

    The gang is back - and back at it in spectacular fashion. In what is technically a very sound show (a first, ever) Brian struggles with Cincinatti ISP problems and illustrates the importance of high res video.  CKD joins the group coming in hot with his GOTY's which include Undertale, Witcher 3, Dropsy, MGS V: The Phantom Pain, LISA, and Fallout 4 - even though the last patch broked his controls. The group chats about Oculus Pricing - a somewhat shocking discussion really - EA not having a traditional E3 press conference, the Wii U and Nintendo, and Kojima is on a world tour - but that's about it. Doxy has been all about Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen, and it's "crazy dope" but the fusion of Dragon Age and Dark Souls comes out in the RPG in beautiful fashion - Brian and Joe have played as well and gush about how cool the game really is.CKD has been on Darkest Dungeon, which he's still a fan of but not a fan of the RNG and it can be brutal as always.  Also getting a share of the time was Mad Max - which Joe and C

  • Episode 25 - GOTY

    23/01/2016 Duration: 59min

    After a holiday hiatus, your favorite hosts, Doxy, Joe, and Brian are back to discuss their favorite games of 2015 and the games they are most looking forward to in 2016. 

  • Episode 24 - Fear the Kojima Kommander

    19/12/2015 Duration: 01h34min

    Tech issues abound we cannot be stopped from doing a show! Somehow, some way Hideo Kojima weasels his way once again into the Homerow Podcast. Since he's Joe's personal hero, we talk more about his announcement and new partnership and where we would like to see his efforts. The team is all over the board in terms of what we've played this week, including big games and the not so big ones. Final Fantasy comes up, as well as the Wii U and what Nintendo might do next.


    06/12/2015 Duration: 01h12min

    Or "Cincinatti is just the most depressing place".  Everyone but Joe is insane, Chili is the only cold-weather food. Lasagna? LASAGNA?! What are you people doing with your lives?Our very special guest this week is CKD - find him over at https://twitter.com/CommodoreKDIn another typical December, news is light but that's good - cus we be playin games y'all. Doxy got time with Star Wars Battlefront and was absolutely in love with it. She's on the same page that everything about the game is engaging and just plain cool Star Wars stuff.  Brian and Joe want to see when she might hit that wall of "well that's all there is" but it seems like her wide-eyed adoration for the Star Wars she got to jump into will make that later, rather than sooner.Our esteemed guest CKD played a bit of Just Cause 3, and is noting some pretty glaring differences in the style of Just Cause 3.  While some things were taken out, the game is "still Just Cause, and still fun." and describes it as "everything explodes all the time".  Joe and C

  • Episode 22 – Let’s End This Thing

    30/11/2015 Duration: 01h14min

     CONTEST! Sub and get your friends to! We’re putting everyone into a drawing for a huge prize pool of codes for all platforms when we reach 500 subs – we’re trying to get our vanity URL so we can ditch this one >  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzSjWa67DQ7FcF-CwVc14MQ Follow the Twitter too for updates and of course just awesomes; Twitter! Just Kidding! We ain’t done, not by a long shot.  This week – it’s more microtransaction garbage in a game that’s not even done yet! Killing Floor 2 has added the option for sweet sweet real bucks to be used for items, and as expected, Reddit handles it with grace. We dive into what is acceptable and what’s just the word for paying for the things.  Also we talk at length about Kotaku, as they’ve put up a piece that at first blush seems a bit like a “yeah you guys do you” but after further inspection comes off a bit more “what did you expect?”.  It’s a complicated issue which only the most analytical and critical of pundits can analyze with depth…so we gave it a shot an

  • Episode 21 The Rise and Fallout of Tomb Raider

    30/11/2015 Duration: 59min

    It's not the clip show you've been waiting for, it's Doxy, Joe and Brian talking about the 2 big releases of the week in Rise of the Tomb Raider and Fallout 4.Thanks to CKD for calling out that we forgot the link; https://discord.gg/0dXwwssNFV25gGjS

  • Episode 20 - Prasie the Butt

    09/11/2015 Duration: 01h04min

    *If you're listening/reading and want a live show the week of Fallout to talk about it as well as Tomb Raider, let us know! Tweet at twitter.com/homerowpodcast!In this episode we anxiously await our copies of Fallout 4, instead we have to revisit Konami because they can't stay out the news. Konami LA is no more, and we muse about the bummer it is - Joe was at this studio last year playing Metal Gear Solid V and feels really weird about remembering faces that now have no job.  The crew's thoughts are with the team there and as they're a super talented team, we hope they get picked up quick.The topic of throttling and bad internet come up as Brian turns into RoboQuiglin4000 a few times and we side track into rants about how the US internet is just...just the worst. #comcastkillsThe crew then moves over to how leaks are bad, and generally just bad form.  As the discussion moves on they break down the difference between a leak and a spoiler, the effect on gamers, and the unintended super bummer that comes for the

  • Episode 17 - Brian = Kawaii

    09/10/2015 Duration: 01h19min

    An amazing live show, duh - we love our chat...so...SO much it really can't be understated - and with our transition to our own, new channel at twitch.tv/homerowpodcast - we're doing once a month live shows.  This one was a bit rough as it was full of tech issues right away, and Joe lost audio, but thankfully the viewer count kept climbing, and our amazing audience carried us through!   This week we chat about the SAG-AFTA voice actors union ( a bit of a late breaking story but hey, we take what we get). We also chat about how Minecraft owner Microsoft now owns a big physics engine (Joe is totally right, it's a much better business decision than Minecraft, objectively) and we hit the reveal of Far Cry Primal - which even though Ubi is going a little...well Ubisoft on this one, we're probably all still going to check it out. Doxy is playing some D&D and is totally hyped, so we get the full story of her rolled character, and she's just super (we would totally welcome fanart of this or a fan writeup of the s

  • Episode 16 - BenaDoxy

    01/10/2015 Duration: 01h29min

    in THIS, the 16th, and most memorable episode yet, because they just get better and better - we chat about the fact that Konami has "comitted to the core" and plans to continue developing games on their IP like Castelvania and Metal Gear, we doubt they'll do much of repute but really hope some up and coming writer gets a crack at some seriously cool opportunities for stories.  We also chat about games cutting single player entirely - Call of Duty Black Ops III has no campaign on Xbox 360 and PS3, but you get zombies, so Activision are generous gods.  Rainbow 6 Siege has no single player as well, but for different reasons it seems - Brian gets a bit upset about the COD news, while Joe still isn't sure R6 has what it needs to be worth that $60 price tag.Doxy Played some Jotun and likes it quite a bit, but chat seemed to not dig the art style for some reason, while she also got some time in with P.T. finally - it only made her more sadified that it won't come to be. She wasn't a fan of the puzzles though, and ev

  • Episode 15 - Teledildonics

    17/09/2015 Duration: 01h06min

    CHECK OUT OUR YOUTUBE/TWITCH/TWITTER!!! WE'RE BRANDED Y'ALL! The gang is back, and talkin robot dildos.  We kick off the week welcoming our very special guest Green9090 who brings to the table the wonderful world of VR Porn Peripherals which quickly devolves into how we're basically going to sex up robots sooner than later with the gem of a quote "you can put your dick on it, but you're not going to like what it does" (paraphrasing).  We chat about the name change from Project Morpheus to Playstation VR or PSVR, or however the PSPR folks will spin it. There's also chattings about PS Vita, PS VitaTV, and much more, but the real star this week is the things we've played.   Green enlightens us to his obsession with Dark Souls II and his recent journeys through the game in a new way, with Scholar of the First Sin - he's liking getting back into Dark Souls but some of the decisions seem downright weird.Brian has been all about that bear in Danganronpa which he finished up and found totally awesome, with a cool end

  • Episode 14? Sure - Can't have it cus it's NOTCH-o's...GET IT?!

    05/09/2015 Duration: 01h12min

    We apologize, we lost track of the episode numbers and don't ever think we can truly get it back. The show has become a monster from which we have no control. Lay down your arms and surrender your souls, it's HomeRow! In yet another bummer of a news week, nothing really big happened - so we talk a bit about how money doesn't buy happiness, but it sure does solve a lot of problems.  Notch is sad, guys, like really sad. $2.5 Bills can beat out Jay-Z and Beyonce for a mansion in the hills, but it also comes with boredom, isolation, and some just real downers.  Doxy explains her emotional progression and we all take our turns sympathizing, and partiallly criticizing some things the Minecraft creator blurted out at 3 AM.  Joe's been playing the big guns recently, Mad Max and Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - and MGS is wonderful in most all respects, but Mad Max is a little tougher to pin down.  Brian is after some of that sweet, sweet Mega Man Legacy Collection, and finally got into PT. Unfortunately for any

  • Episode 13 - Katniss EverCroft

    06/08/2015 Duration: 01h03min

    The gang is back, and chatting Gamescom GameBombs - Joe and Brian both watched the Xbox briefing and fill Doxy in on how 2016 is looking for the MS exclusives Crackdown, Scalebound, and Quantum Break, while touching on Rise of the Tomb Raider, Star Wars Battlefront, Halo, and a few others coming this year yet.  While Joe and Brian turn to little kids again talking about Star Wars Battlefront, Doxy is uberhype5000 for Dark Souls 3, which admittedly looks incredible.  All that talk of being afraid of what a yearly entry might do to the series was put aside when a giant skeleton face piereced the veil of darkness.  Overall it's a good show, like every other one, so listen. Joe got some time with and reviewed Submerged, a beautiful and serene indie game from some of the crew behind Bioshock, as well as some time with Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, where he fell down the stairs and shut it off.  Also a bit more time in The Witcher and Battlefield Hardline, but that's just normal now. Brian played a bit more

  • "I swear I was looking at the waterfall"

    25/07/2015 Duration: 01h18min

    In a yet another summer slow news week - we jump in to discuss harassment and why its just the worst, and how different gaming communities act - Xbox Live being wholly different than PC. We also weigh in on how we think people come to harass, and why they're just the worst. Brian and Doxy break into what might just have to be a new segment of the show; Board Games! And Brian comments on how totally normal the latest JRPG he's playing is.Be sure to follow all our lovely social medias, and join us for the live shows once a month!   

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