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Or "Cincinatti is just the most depressing place".  Everyone but Joe is insane, Chili is the only cold-weather food. Lasagna? LASAGNA?! What are you people doing with your lives?Our very special guest this week is CKD - find him over at https://twitter.com/CommodoreKDIn another typical December, news is light but that's good - cus we be playin games y'all. Doxy got time with Star Wars Battlefront and was absolutely in love with it. She's on the same page that everything about the game is engaging and just plain cool Star Wars stuff.  Brian and Joe want to see when she might hit that wall of "well that's all there is" but it seems like her wide-eyed adoration for the Star Wars she got to jump into will make that later, rather than sooner.Our esteemed guest CKD played a bit of Just Cause 3, and is noting some pretty glaring differences in the style of Just Cause 3.  While some things were taken out, the game is "still Just Cause, and still fun." and describes it as "everything explodes all the time".  Joe and C