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Episode 22 – Let’s End This Thing



 CONTEST! Sub and get your friends to! We’re putting everyone into a drawing for a huge prize pool of codes for all platforms when we reach 500 subs – we’re trying to get our vanity URL so we can ditch this one >  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzSjWa67DQ7FcF-CwVc14MQ Follow the Twitter too for updates and of course just awesomes; Twitter! Just Kidding! We ain’t done, not by a long shot.  This week – it’s more microtransaction garbage in a game that’s not even done yet! Killing Floor 2 has added the option for sweet sweet real bucks to be used for items, and as expected, Reddit handles it with grace. We dive into what is acceptable and what’s just the word for paying for the things.  Also we talk at length about Kotaku, as they’ve put up a piece that at first blush seems a bit like a “yeah you guys do you” but after further inspection comes off a bit more “what did you expect?”.  It’s a complicated issue which only the most analytical and critical of pundits can analyze with depth…so we gave it a shot an