Home Row

Episode 20 - Prasie the Butt



*If you're listening/reading and want a live show the week of Fallout to talk about it as well as Tomb Raider, let us know! Tweet at twitter.com/homerowpodcast!In this episode we anxiously await our copies of Fallout 4, instead we have to revisit Konami because they can't stay out the news. Konami LA is no more, and we muse about the bummer it is - Joe was at this studio last year playing Metal Gear Solid V and feels really weird about remembering faces that now have no job.  The crew's thoughts are with the team there and as they're a super talented team, we hope they get picked up quick.The topic of throttling and bad internet come up as Brian turns into RoboQuiglin4000 a few times and we side track into rants about how the US internet is just...just the worst. #comcastkillsThe crew then moves over to how leaks are bad, and generally just bad form.  As the discussion moves on they break down the difference between a leak and a spoiler, the effect on gamers, and the unintended super bummer that comes for the