Home Row

Episode 14? Sure - Can't have it cus it's NOTCH-o's...GET IT?!



We apologize, we lost track of the episode numbers and don't ever think we can truly get it back. The show has become a monster from which we have no control. Lay down your arms and surrender your souls, it's HomeRow! In yet another bummer of a news week, nothing really big happened - so we talk a bit about how money doesn't buy happiness, but it sure does solve a lot of problems.  Notch is sad, guys, like really sad. $2.5 Bills can beat out Jay-Z and Beyonce for a mansion in the hills, but it also comes with boredom, isolation, and some just real downers.  Doxy explains her emotional progression and we all take our turns sympathizing, and partiallly criticizing some things the Minecraft creator blurted out at 3 AM.  Joe's been playing the big guns recently, Mad Max and Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - and MGS is wonderful in most all respects, but Mad Max is a little tougher to pin down.  Brian is after some of that sweet, sweet Mega Man Legacy Collection, and finally got into PT. Unfortunately for any