Home Row

Homerow Podcast 27 - AlPAXcapatrol



On this, the epic 27th entry in the odyssey of the Home Row podcast we welcome Alpacapatrol, our esteemed guest and nobleman. Slow news week – but that won’t stop KOJIMA KORNER!! The DICE Summit will feature talks from Kojima and Guillermo Del Toro about the creative process as well as Gearbox Software’s Randy Pitchford – check out some of the cool past talks from what is basically TED talks for games here (there’s one with JJ Abrams and Gabe Newell!) : http://www.dicesummit.org/ Brian went to PAX South – which was awesome and saw a TON of great games. Gushing about games like Umbrella Corps, Street Fighter V, Moving Hazard, Dead Star, Ultimate Chicken Horse, Stories: Path of Destinies, Marble Mountain, Enter the Gungeon and Omnibus. We learned there’s a thriving and passionate bus simulator community, Re/Core developers are hard at work on a really cool space game in the interim, and SF:V has some incredible artwork.Brian also got to try the HTC Vive with the aforementioned Marble Mountain, and this spawned