A Vida De H.p. Lovecraft

A vida de H.P. Lovecraft – o grande mestre do terror, de S.T. Joshi (principal especialista mundial em Lovecraft), é a biografia definitiva daquele que, nas palavras de Stephen...

O Melhor De H.p. Lovecraft

“Agora que o tempo nos permite olhar para sua obra com algum distanciamento, parece não restar dúvida de que H.P. Lovecraft permanece insuperável como o maior expoente do...

Seven H.P. Lovecraft Stories by LOVECRAFT, H. P.

Howard Phillips Lovecraft, better known as H.P. Lovecraft, was an American author of horror, fantasy, poetry and science fiction, especially the subgenre known as weird fiction...

The H.P. Lovecraft Literary Podcast

The H.P. Lovecraft Literary Podcast – A podcast about the works of H.P. Lovecraft, the writers that inspired him and the literature he inspired.

Bush Debate, The by Various Authors

In 1892, two of Australias best poets came up with a scheme to make some money. They arranged to have an argument in the Weekly Bulletin, and since they were being paid by the...

Werewolf -- Five Pieces by Various Authors

Five stories and essays about werewolves. - Summary by david wales

Three Girls in a Flat by Various Authors

Enid Yandell (October 6, 1870 - June 13, 1934) was an American sculptor who studied with Auguste Rodin and Frederick William MacMonnies. She created numerous portraits, garden...

H.p. Lovecraft: The Complete Fiction Omnibus Ii: The Prime Years 1926-1936

This volume contains the stories that nearly everyone agrees are the best work of H.P. Lovecraft’s life. Chronologically, it is the second book in a three-volume omnibus set...

H.p. Lovecraft: The Complete Fiction Omnibus Collection I: The Early Years 1908-1925

This volume covers H.P. Lovecraft’s “apprentice years”: roughly the first half of his literary career, the half written before his return to Providence in 1926. Every story...

Astounding Stories 05, May 1930 by Various Authors

The fifth issue of Astounding Stories continues the Ray Cummings serial Brigands of the Moon, begins a 4 part novel by Murray Leinster, and presents a sequel by Sewell Peaslee...

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