
Talk on everything trending around the world!

How Schools Work: An Inside Account Of Failure And Success From One Of The Nation's Longest-serving Secretaries Of Education

“An impassioned plea for school reform.... Duncan’s heart is in the right place.” — Kirkus Reviews

Tweet Trends

~What da tweet is going on in the world?! Dont on the tweet you could learn something... SWEET #TweetTrends

Trend Spotting

Trends, Business, & Entrepreneurship Podcast Made in Toronto

Trend Settings

Every week go into whats happening in the world today.

Trend Troll

MAN BUNS? BLACK MACARONI CHEESE ? 100 layers?Hear about the trends trolling the internet with this weekly podcast, hosted by Tony Ridler.10 minute podcasts, every Wednesday at 2pm...

Talking Trends

Join Danny Ashok each week as he looks at and shares his thoughts on what's trending on YouTube! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @TheYoungSquire

Workforce Trends

Ira S Wolfe is a Gen Y trapped in a Baby Boomer body. He is a widely respected expert, speaker and consultant on workforce trends and recruiting, selecting and retaining top...

Trend Lines

A podcast on global politics brought to you by World Politics Review

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