
Vi inviterer de mennesker vi beundrer, dem vi tror vi kender og dem vi gerne vil forstå. Vi forbereder deres livretter så vi kan spise os tættere sammen, før vi for alvor...

Sean Meyer

Podcast by Sean Meyer

Ask A Question Change Your Life ~ Susan Shatzer & Dawn Meyer

Inspired Choices Network What if asking questions actually changes your life? Have you always known something else was possible? Maybe you wonder why you are here or what you are...

Stepright With Lynn ~ Lynn Whetham

Inspired Choices Network What if every person did what they could to give to someone else on a regular basis and it gained huge momentum? What would that be like? What if each one...

Lynn Zambrano

For the empath, hsp and those ready to dive deeper, discover how you are wired, how to shift to feel better and get more of what you really want.

Lynn Garbers

Creating tomorrow's leaders

Lynn Singer

Lynn Singer was born with a special voice and an ear for spoken language. For over thirty years, she has helped people find their voice. She taught acting, speech and voice at...

Patrick Meyer

Welcome to the Patrick Meyer podcast, where amazing things happen.

Lady Susan 

"Lady Susan" is perhaps the shortest and least known of Austen’s novels, dealing with the obnoxious flirting and social manners of Susan Vernon, a young widow who comes to visit...

Lady Susan

Lady Susan is a selfish, unscrupulous and scheming woman, highly attractive to men, who tries to trap the best possible husband while maintaining a relationship with a married...

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