Kim Iversen is an independent minded rational progressive giving an honest take on today's politics.
"Quien sepa leer la causa de una acción habrá ya recorrido la mitad del camino que lleva a la libertad."Publicada en 1901, "Kim" narra la historia Kimball O'Hara, un huérfano...
Pubblicato inizialmente a puntate nel 1900, 'Kim' è un romanzo picaresco ambientato nell'India coloniale dell'Ottocento, all'epoca del conflitto del...
We are 2 good friends who do alot of talking. Listen to us rant about our lives as we're living it.
Kimberly JonesPothier, known as Real Talk Kim, travels the world fulfilling her passion and purpose of loving people back to life.She is a wife, mother, pastor, entrepreneur,...
Straight up, no BS, progressive, honest perspectives about what the heck is going on in today's politics.
Join real friends, talk about real life and offer real hope to women. We promise to not only keep it real; we'll keep it fun, too! So, grab a cup of coffee and get ready for...