Daily Blessings For God's Peoples

"Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. He that is our God is the God of salvation, and unto God the Lord belong the issues from...

Exodus - Complete Bible Commentary Verse By Verse

This is another volume in the series of Bible Commentaries of Matthew Henry.In this Volume, the entire text of the Exodus is commented with notes of each chapter are easy to read...

Peace Be Unto You

"And as they thus spoke. . . Peace be unto you." Luke 24:36.WE like to know how a person used to act, for we think we can infer from that how he will act. That is not always...

Martha And Mary

Martha And Mary is a message of meditation based on the Bible and written by one of the most important Christian writers of all time.A devotional message of faith and hope for...

A Miracle Of Grace

A Miracle of Grace is one important bible study about the Grace of God.A book that will bring growth and knowledge about grace, salvation and invite him to live with greater...

The Character Of Christ's People

"They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world." John 17:16. Christ's prayer was for a special people. He declared that He did not offer a universal intercession. "I...

Praise For Jesus

"Judah, you are he whom your brothers shall praise."Genesis 49:8.These words were spoken by the Patriarch Jacob when he blessed his sons as he lay a-dying.But before he finished...

Peter`s Prayer

The disciples had been fishing all night. They had now given up fishing they had left their boats and were mending their nets. A stranger appears. They had seen Him, probably,...

David's Dying Song

These are the last words of David, so we read at the commencement of the chapter. Many have been the precious sentences which have fallen from his inspired lips. Seraphic has...

Commentary On The Sermon On The Mount

One of the most important texts of Martin Luther.Commentary on the Sermon on the Mount is a very rich text in biblical and illuminating knowledge about Chapter 5 of Matthew, one...

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