O Caranguejo do Saara

O 'Caranguejo do Saara' é um livro de memórias de um jornalista que cobriu por duas vezes o Rally Paris-Dakar. Um um relato sobre a experiência de cruzar o deserto e sobre os...

Os Alienígenas

De um planeta muito longe do nosso sistema solar, 300 dos seus habitantes, por serem muito maus, egoístas e corruptos, foram expulsos de lá. Mas o pior é que acabaram vindo...


SAHARA er stafræn auglýsingastofa sem býður uppá heildstæða lausn á sviði stafrænnar markaðssetningar. Við sérhæfum okkur í umsjón með samfélagsmiðlum,...

Samara King

Welcome to the internet radio home of Author Samara King. Be sure to tune in for special events!

Saar's Musiquarium

Conversations about music artists and their Inspiration on my childhood and now. And how they Influence me. Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/saar-asani/support

Ask Sara With Sara Wiseman

Ask Sara is a warm, funny and often irreverent look at how anyone can have a direct connection to the Divineno middleman, priest, guru or medium required! During the show, Sara...

Sara Connell

Sara Connell is a writer, life coach, and speaker who specializes in womens health, empowerment and helping women connect to their creative, innate feminine power.

Gabriel Samara — Peacemaker

First published in 1925, ‘Gabriel Samara – Peacemaker’ is set in the future, in 1940 in a progressive Russia. Gabriel Samara, a dedicated and principled man, is visiting the...

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