Madre Teresa de Calcuta

Nacida bajo el nombre de Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu , cambia su nombre a Teresa cuando decide dedicarse a Dios. Biografía dramatizada de una de las mujeres que por más de 45...

Gallagher And Consultants Presents Holistic Workforce Solutions

Holistic Solutions for Workforce Well Being and Health. A subsidiary of Gallagher and Consultants. This series introduces holistic methods to enable the optimal health and...

Teresa Decide Falar

Vencedor do VI Prêmio Cepe Nacional de Literatura (2021), na categoria Conto, o livro da maranhense Lindevânia Martins mergulha no universo da literatura fantástica,...

The Teresa Jusino Experience Podcast

Writer Teresa Jusino tells stories from her life, gives her Teresopinion on current events and pop culture, and provides news about her work.

Forever England : The Life Of Rupert Brooke

Forever England explores Rupert Brooke’s life, from schooldays to the Great War, and in so doing builds a remarkable picture of a long-lost England and a generation’s descent...

Real Talk With Teresa Agyemang

Where kingdom meets culture. In the world, but not of it.

Cora Santa Teresa Biblia - Cora Santa Teresa Bible

The Cora, Santa Teresa Audio Drama New Testament (WBT) is a unique presentation of the Audio Bible with approximately 180 different characters and a digitally recorded sound track...

Relations of Saint Teresa of Avila, The by TERESA OF AVILA, Saint

The Relations (in Spanish Relaciones) is an extention of St Teresas Autobiography. In The Relations she tells of her inner and outer experiences in the form of letters. - Summary...

Historic Girlhoods Volume 1 by HOLLAND, Rupert S.

Biographical sketches of ten girls who became famous before becoming women - some not even making it to womanhood. From Joan of Arc to Catherine dMedici; from Catherine the Great...

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