In The South Seas

‘In the South Seas’ is an account of a journey undertaken by Robert Louis Stevenson and his wife Fanny in June 1888. The book, describes their experiences in the...

Prince Otto

“Prince Otto” is a novel by Robert Louis Stevenson of 1885. Otto is a prince of a small German court of the eighteenth century, his indolent character leads him to...


"Kidnapped" is a novel written by R.L.Stevenson in 1886. The story is told in first person by the protagonist. The book is set in Scotland in the years of the civil war,...

An Inland Voyage

An Inland Voyage (1878) is a travelogue by Robert Louis Stevenson about a canoeing trip through France and Belgium in 1876. It is Stevenson's earliest book and a pioneering...

Travels With A Donkey

Travels with a Donkey in the Cévennes (1879) is one of Robert Louis Stevenson's earliest published works and is considered a pioneering classic of outdoor...


A sequel to Stevenson's previous novel Kidnapped. This time the central character is kidnapped again and confined on the Bass Rock, an island. David also meets and falls in love...


"Catriona" (also known as David Balfour) is a novel written in 1893 by Robert Louis Stevenson as a sequel to his earlier novel "Kidnapped".This novel is an ode...

The Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde

In September of 1884, Robert Louis Stevenson, then in his mid-thirties, moved with his family to Bournemouth, a resort on the southern coast of England, where in the brief span of...

The Strange Case Of Dr.jekyll And Mr. Hyde

Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is the original title of a novella written by the Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson that was first published in 1886. The work is...

O Ladrão De Cadáveres

Conto clássico de Robert Louis Stevenson, publicado originalmente em 1884, no qual, inspirado em eventos bizarros ocorridos no século XIX no Reino Unido, dois jovens estudantes...

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