Professor J

Fresh, Original & Extremely Biased Perspectives on Sports, Business & PR

Heather Richards Wgfr Interview.

Heather Richards interview with WGFR College radio-Adirondack Community College. Sneak peaks into four new upcoming songs to be released on her upcoming album and EP.

Dizzy Gillespie

John Birks "Dizzy" Gillespie (1917 -1993), the American trumpeter, bandleader and composer, was the most visible and durable leader of the generation of musical iconoclasts who...

Interview With Professor Sandy Middleton

Interview with Professor Sandy Middleton

Aka Geeks

Die-Hard group of Geeky Gamers who just love talking games and anything geek. The AKA Geeks Comprise of Lynn, Sean, Brenden.

Aka Geeks

Geek talk about Video Games, Movies and Pop Culture that matters most to us. Come along for the ride into our little world.

Aka Mom

Aka Mom are small clips Of the weeks conversation, car rides, random questions I need answers to, etc. I curse and Im not always polite, So sorry in advance. Please share our...

The Professor

The Professor was the first novel by Charlotte Brontë. It was originally written before Jane Eyre and rejected by many publishing houses, but was eventually published...

The Professor

The Professor was the first novel by Charlotte Bronte. It was originally written before Jane Eyre and rejected by many publishing houses, but was eventually published...

The Professor

When Linda saw Scott that morning, she knew that she was going to have him. But the man tells her to wait for some more time… at least until she has graduated. Linda does...

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