Opus Quark

Electronic Music, Progressive, Software Engineer, Life Coach, Fitness, Social Media Manager

Quarks & Recreation

Doug (34) and his nephew Brandon (11) tackle the mysteries of the cosmos and mostly get stuff right in this podcast designed to get kids interested in science.

Notes Notes Notes

Based on the series of viral blog posts "If Famous Movies Got A Round Of Reality TV Network Notes", Notes Notes Notes takes the idea on step further by imagining a conference call...

Quark Ohne Schnitte

Der Podcast am Mittag mit Arne und Frank

24 Quarks Seconde

Le podcast des mordus de cinéma de science-fiction!


I have a lot of interest, I have a lot of thoughts, and I leave them here.

Quirks And Quarks Segmented Show From Cbc Radio

CBC Radio's Quirks and Quarks covers the quirks of the expanding universe to the quarks within a single atom... and everything in between.

Podcast 24 Quarks Seconde

Le podcast des mordus de cinéma de science-fiction!

Wdr 5 Quarks - Hintergrund

Was ist gesunde Ernährung, wie steht es tatsächlich um die Umwelt? Antworten rund um Medizin, Bildung, Technik und Natur liefern das Hintergrundwissen aus WDR 5 "Quarks -...

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