Dj Dinho Oliveira

Deejay Dinho Oliveira from Brazil, muisc "up"

Saulo Oliveira Silva

Singer, songwriter, writer. If you have time and want to give my music a chance, here is the link to follow me on Spotify!...

Pe Talk

Health ,Fitness, Exercise techniques,nutrition,brain gym, technology and updated reviews of various software,hardware and computer related resources/equipment.And now added are 15...

Michael Oliveira

Um verdadeiro apaixonado por empreendedorismo e Marketing Digital

Pe For Musicians

Wherever you fall in your musical training, avoid pain and repetitive stress injuries by learning to train like an athlete to play like a musician.

Pe Teacher Plus

I have been teaching Physical Education in Southern California for 10 years. I love creating and discovering new ways to improve the performance of my students. This is my...

Gcse Pe Podcasts

Podcasts that will help with GCSE PE.

Terapia Com Clélia Oliveira

Uma playlist com todo o conteúdo especialmente desenvolvido e produzido por nossa terapeuta Clélia Oliveira para contribuir com o seu bem-estar e trazer boas energias e...

Pastor Davis Oliveira

Podcast by Pastor Davis Oliveira

Missionário Jair De Oliveira

O Apostólo Jair de Oliveira, nasceu na cidade de Campo de Meio MG, em 1952. Filho de João Fagundes de Oliveira e Edivirges Bandon de Oliveira, é o quarto filho de seis...

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