Coaching De Carreira: Desperte Todo O Seu Talento E Alcance O Sucesso Profissional

"Um dos nichos mais procurados do coaching é o de carreira. Na sociedade atual, as pessoas não buscam apenas sucesso financeiro no trabalho, mas querem, de alguma forma,...

84 Perguntas Que Vendem: Técnicas E Ferramentas Do Coaching De Vendas Para Maximizar Os Seus Resultados

Neste livro você encontrará perguntas poderosas que o ajudarão a vender muito mais e atender de maneira excepcional seus clientes.Aprenda, por meio de 84 perguntas que vendem,...

Marnie Greenberg Show!

Delete Your Stress and Pain On The Spot, a Number One Best Selling Book - Marnie Greenberg's New Book "Delete Stress and Pain on the Spot" hit #1 in Multiple Countries!

Michael Grinder Podcasts

Michael Grinder & Associates - The Non-Verbal Communication Experts

Third Line Grinders

A hockey coach, ref and a men's league player trade war stories from the ice and share their insight on the world of professional hockey.

Life School With Jaquy

This is a place where you can come and set down your skull so that you may have access to decide if they want to massage that brain, give a rest from the tired old reality that is...

Travel Today With Peter Greenberg

Peter Greenberg is America's most recognized, honored and respected front-line travel news journalist.Peter is Travel Editor for CBS News, appearing on CBS This Morning and The...

The Throwback with Eric Greenberg

The Throwback is a monthly podcast that explores the history of pop culture. Each episode features an in-depth interview packed with fun conversation and incredible stories about...

Jacques and His Master

Jacques and His Master is a deliciously witty and entertaining "variation" on Diderot's novel Jacques le Fatalist, written for Milan Kundera's "private...

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