Shadows in the Moonlight by HOWARD, Robert E.

For a genuine Conan tale, full of barbarian craftiness, magic, fierce fighting and his berserker strength, this meets every criteria and is one of the best. Conan was raiding with...

Beyond the Black River by HOWARD, Robert E.

Conan the Barbarian is employed by one of the civilized countries to help in its push to claim lands from the primitive Picts. The Picts are not excited about the idea however....

Home Sweet Home by PAYNE, John Howard

Originally from the Opera Clari, Maid of Milan, Home! Sweet Home! is John Howard Paynes most famous work. Written in 1823 it has been widely quoted and referenced in other works...

Witch Shall Be Born, A by HOWARD, Robert E.

The kingdom of Khauran is admittedly a small one, nestled between the vast desert and the plains, but it is blessed with an abundance of rich soil, hard working devoted...

Uncle Wiggily's Adventures by GARIS, Howard R.

Due to Uncle Wiggilys rheumatism being so very bad, Dr. Possum prescribes a journey to help him move around, have a change of air, and a good long bout of traveling to get more...

Lifestyle Design For Men, With Jay Howard

Jay Howard hosts Lifestyle Design for Men, a podcast create that helps men win in their relationships, career, health, finances and life. We build men who are leaders, lovers,...

Howards End (version 2) by FORSTER, E. M.

The Schlegels frequently encounter the Wilcoxes. The youngest, Helen, is rejected by the younger Wilcox brother, Paul. The eldest, Margaret, becomes friends with his mother Ruth...

Rick and Ruddy by GARIS, Howard R.

This delightful story is full of ups and downs involving a young boy and his dog, a gift from the sea. The adventures range from playful antics to times of peril, and through it...

Uncle Wiggily's Travels by GARIS, Howard R.

This is the second of 79 Uncle Wiggily books published and contains another selection of bedtime stories from those originally published in the Newark Evening News every day...

Devil in Iron, The by HOWARD, Robert E.

Conans lustful desires again get him into a whole pile of trouble. This time the beautiful, golden haired, noble born Octavia, lures him into a fiendish trap set by his most...

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