
Self awareness of who you are

Ivan Matveyitch

Between five and six in the evening. A fairly well-known man of learning is sitting in his study nervously biting his nails. 'It's positively revolting,' he says, continually...


Welcome to the Ivan podcast, where amazing things happen.

Ivan Pervov

Tech House/Techno/Deep House . . , , . . .

Ivan Teller

Podcast by Ivan Teller

Ivan Anthony

Podcast by Ivan Anthony

A Morte de Ivan Ilitch

Sem dúvida uma das mais belas novelas de Tolstói, A Morte de Ivan Ilitch desperta as mais profundas reflexões a respeito da morte e, consequentemente, da vida. Ao se deparar...

A Morte de Ivan Ilitch

Sem dúvida uma das mais belas novelas de Tolstói, A Morte de Ivan Ilitch desperta as mais profundas reflexões a respeito da morte e, consequentemente, da vida. Ao se deparar...

The Death Of Ivan Ilyich

Ivan Ilyich, a high court judge, becomes seriously ill and faces a long and gruelling battle with death. The Death of Ivan Ilyich is more than a story about death, however. It...

A Morte De Ivan Ilitch

"Muitos críticos consideram 'A morte de Ivan Ilitch' como a novela mais perfeita da literatura mundial; a agonia de um burocrata insignificante serve de pretexto ao...

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