Luis Gama: Vida, Verso E Prosa: Biografia, Poemas E Textos Selecionados

Luís Gama (1830 – 1882) foi advogado autodidata, abolicionista, orador, jornalista e escritor brasileiro e o Patrono da Abolição da Escravidão do Brasil.  Nascido de mãe...

De Paris: Domício Da Gama, Estabelecimento Do Texto, Notas E Introdução Franco Baptista Sandanello

A segunda metade do século XIX viu os projetos jornalísticos ganharem um caráter de grande negócio. É essa nova configuração que permitirá ao jornalismo criar novas formas...

O Abolicionismo E O Potencial Simbólico De Luiz Gama Em Notícias Circulantes Na Imprensa Grão-paraense E Cearense

Apoiadas pela bolsa de pesquisa da Fundação Amazônia de Amparo a Estudos e Pesquisas (Fapespa), as análises a que o leitor terá acesso o colocarão diante de diversos...

Aspirantes PMERJ 1976: turma Cap. PM Hilton Gama – 48 anos de história

O período de formação dos Oficiais da Polícia Militar do Estado do Rio de Janeiro na década de 1970.

The Nerds

This is a book about the importance of studying and persisting Sara is a child just like any other happy child: she is talkative, curious, and restless. She is always looking for...

Sara Goes To The Beach

In this story, Sara discovers the importance of keeping the beach clean. Sara is a child just like any other happy child: she is talkative, curious, and restless. She is always...

The Newcomer

This story discusses the arrival of a new child in the family and exposes Sara's feelings. Sara is a child just like any other happy child: she is talkative, curious, and...

Sara's New School

In this book, the character Sara faces the challenge of starting classes in a new school. Sara is a child just like any other happy child: she is talkative, curious, and restless....

The Trap

This book discusses some dangers in social media relationships. Sara is a child just like any other happy child: she is talkative, curious, and restless. She is always looking for...

Grandma Zoé

This book discusses the death of a loved one in the family and the child's feelings. Sara is a child just like any other happy child: she is talkative, curious, and restless. She...

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