Career Tools Basics

This feed contains the guidance which is fundamental to a successful career. Implement this guidance, and you'll be more productive, more effective and more satisfied with your...

Manager Tools - Feedback

Effective managers talk to their team about their performance frequently. Like, daily. Many managers avoid feedback because they don't know what to say, or they're worried it'll...

Tool-assisted Podcast

Podcast about Tool-Assisted Speedrunning (TAS) hosted by The8bitbeast

Actionable tools Show

A series that'll offer up the best business resources for solopreneurs, content creators and small business owners. I tell you the about the tools to choose from, and the...

Manager Tools - Politics

This feed contains the guidance from Manager Tools about workplace politics. If you want your ideas implemented or to have the best relationships in the company, you need this...

Manager Tools - Hiring

Hiring is the most important thing you do as a manager. Get it right nirvana. Get it wrong hell on earth. The podcasts in this feed will talk you through getting hiring right...

Manager Tools Basics

Manager Tools Basics are the 23 core curriculum casts we recommend to professionals wanting to improve as managers. They cover the 4 parts of the Manager Tools Trinity: Know Your...

Culturebus Tools Podcast

At CultureBus we help leaders execute their goals and vision initiatives. The CultureBus Tools Podcast is dedicated to helping you create tools to execute your vision. Chris will...

Manager Tools - Delegation

Effective managers move work off their plate so they can work on the things that only they can do. This doesn't mean shoving the stuff you don't like doing onto your directs. It...

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