Storia D'italia - Vol. 26 - Federico Ii Di Svevia

Federico II di Svevia è stato il più importante imperatore medioevale che l'Italia abbia conosciuto, egli favorì l'incontro delle civiltà greca, latina e araba e le coniugò...

Storia D'italia E D'europa - Vol. 49 - La Prussia Di Federico Ii

 Il termine "assolutismo illuminato" fa riferimento alle idee e ai comportamenti di quei sovrani europei che nel '700 dichiaravano di volersi servire del potere per il bene dei...

Star Wars. I Film, I Personaggi, Gli Effetti Speciali

Vero e proprio fenomeno di massa, Star Wars è qualcosa di più della serie cinematografica ideata da George Lucas e iniziata nel lontano 1977 con il primo episodio....

Magnus Podcast

Welcome to Magnus Podcast - a production of the Albertus Magnus Institute, Inc. Imagine an academy deeply rooted and committed to the classical liberal arts, stocked to the brim...

Magna Carta

The Magna Carta, issued in 1215 by King John. 'No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions ... except by the lawful judgement of his...

The Magi

On the heels of the worst year in his life, Carter Wolski loses his will to live. He is prodded, shoved, sniffed, and slobbered back to life by a trio of very strange helpers.

Mind Of Magnus

The #roc is filled with remarkable people, each with interesting stories to share. Tune in Mon 8pm on 106.3fm Rochester Free Radio as we share their stories.

The Magnus Archives

Make your statement, face your fear. A weekly horror fiction podcast examining what lurks in the archives of the Magnus Institute, an organisation dedicated to researching the...

Dj Magnus Podcasts

DJ Magnus clearly communicates an infectious passion for House music through the decks. If you missed his debut gig at Cairns Tropical Pride in 2007, he may well have had you...

Doc Magi - The Mind Of The Magi

Truly random thoughts each weekday from Doc Magi a leader in Positive Thinking and Self Help. Dr. Michael Holt (Doc Magi) teaches medical and dental hypnotherapy as well as...

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