Kim Gould

Kim brings her unique view of the evolution of humanity through her website It combines the Human Design System with other great transformative tools.

Fr. Shawn Gould

Homilies and Lectures

Julie Gould

Bringing your science stories to life

Elizabeth Cuckson

From the Heart with Elizabeth Cuckson inspires others to live each day from the heart and to live in the present moment. This hit show invites you to participate in expressing and...

Elizabeth Grant

Elizabeth A. Grant, "The Quantum Coach," is a spiritual mentor and life coach. She helps people apply universal law of quantum physics, such as the law of attraction, to create...

Elizabeth Irvine

Join me for a guided relaxation. If you can carve out just fifteen minutes a day to do a guided relaxation you will begin to see a difference in your lifethings like- increased...


Elizabeth tem tudo: juventude, beleza e talento, mas lhe aflige a certeza de que o tempo passará e levará embora sua perfeição. Certa do próprio declínio, a jovem chega à...

O Segredo De Joe Gould

Em 1942, Joseph Mitchell publicou nas páginas da revista The New Yorker o perfil de um literato maltrapilho que vivia perambulando pelo Greenwich Village, o bairro boêmio de...

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