Gideon And The 300 : How God Achieves The Extraordinary Through Ordinary People 

Although the people of Israel had conquered Canaan, the Promised Land, they were declining in their faith. To help His people overcome their enemies and re-establish their...

Here I Am, Lord!: God's Criteria For Choosing His Servants

"Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?""Here I am!" was the prophet Isaiah's answer to God's great question, but do you know the secret that it holds?The Most High is looking...

Edis Rosic

Welcome to the Edis Rosic podcast , I am your host. Number one topic Fitness, life goals and a lots of motivation

No Edits

Just sharing my thoughts on Entertainment, life, and people I guess

Strikethrough Edit

Podcast by Strikethrough Edit


Sobre las macetas de todo el mundo.

No Edits Podcast

Podcast about everything for versatile people. You can alternatively watch the No Edits Vlog on Youtube.

O Poder Sobrenatural Da Fé

O que fazer diante de tantas adversidades e sofrimentos? Talvez muitos pensem nisso quando passam por problemas em vários níveis de dificuldade. Pois é isso que este livro vem...

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