Answers Within with Marlana

Ask Marlana, mental health, hypnosis, spiritual, energy healer, warm, compassionate, evolved are just a few words to describe the insights you can expect as she answers deep life...

San Marino Community Church

Here you can find a collection of sermons preached at San Marino Community Church.

Christian Apologetics With Jeff Marmaro

Christian Apologetics is a monthly podcast where host Dr. Jeff Marmaro discusses the rational defense of the Christian faith.

The Panic’s Syndrome And The Hypoglycaemia

Hypoglycemia is a relatively unknown subject, getting an importance relegated to the background. The blood glucose lowering, contrary to what its name indicates, should not be...

The Antioxidant Effect Orthomolecular In Homeopathy

It is experimentally demonstrated the homeopathic medicines antioxidant action in different dilutions in comparison with melatonin in various concentrations over the lipidic...

The Pillars Of The Iridology

Dr Celso Batello is a prolific author in natural medicine & iridology, and important facilitator of ideas & research - not just in Brasil, but across the globe. This is another...

Iridology - Advances: A New Triad

We are seeing the value of this work, which links the development of the three germ layers of the nervous and endocrine systems, forming a harmonious and interactive set, able to...

Simply Delicious Living With Maryann®

Simply Delicious Living with Maryann® is dedicated to sharing healthy living and sustainable and inspiring body, mind, spirit content. Maryann Ridini Spencer, an Award-Winning...


Hans é filho de um novo cristão e de mãe portuguesa. O terremoto de 1755 em Lisboa ocasionou o desaparecimento da mãe, o desabamento da casa e da oficina do pai que era...


Vítimas de violência política e intolerância religiosa, excluídos mesmo após o batismo forçado, perseguidos pelas primeiras leis racistas, obrigados a emigrar para dentro...

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