Abner Suarez

Abner Suarez’s life is a testimony of the goodness and faithfulness of G-d upon a person’s life. As a freshman in college, Abner’s life and destiny would be forever altered...

Chancellorsville and Gettysburg by DOUBLEDAY, Abner

Abner Doubleday began the Civil War as a Union officer and aimed the first cannon shot in response to the bombardment opened on Ft. Sumter in 1861. Two years later, after a series...

Lum And Abner Retro Radio Podcast

Podcasting to share family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.

Reminiscences of Forts Sumter and Moultrie in 1860-'61 (version 2) by DOUBLEDAY, Abner

Abner Doubleday was a busy man. He rose to be a major general during the American Civil War, started the first cable car company in San Francisco, and is credited (though perhaps...

Tall Tales & Shaggy Dogs: Stories And Short Humor By Abner Serd

Storyteller Abner Serd specializes in short humor with a twist. His stories often pull the listener out of the normal sphere of reality and into a surrealistic landscape...

Paraíso Frágil

Já se passaram meses desde que eu te perdi, e eu ainda consigo me lembrar do tempo exato em que ficamos em silêncio no carro, do jeito que meus pés começaram a suar e das...

Andrea Fiorino Mastermix

For the details check WWW.FIORINO.DJ

Firis Voice

The original concept of Firis Voice is to have unscripted natural conversations about personal everyday experiences of real people, conversations that are usually restricted and...

Hart Aber Herzlich

Zwei Pastoren auf zu viel Koffein. Marcus B. Hübner und Gunnar Engel unterhalten sich über Themen aus Theologie und Kultur aus einer reformatorischen Perspektive.

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