When his wife cheats on him, Golden Walter leaves his mundane life to start a new one at sea. Horrific news forces him to turn around, however, but before he can reach home, a...
A selection of poetical works by William Morris including: Old Love, A Good Knight in Prison, The Judgement of God, Two Red Roses across the Moon, and many others.
Dream of John Ball (1888) is a novel by English author William Morris about the Great Revolt of 1381, conventionally, but incorrectly (few of the participants were actual...
Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair, set in the forested land of Oakenrealm, was Morris' reimagining and recasting of the medieval Lay of Havelock the Dane, with his...
William Morris was highly eclectic: novelist, thinker, artist, politician, trend-setter in various subjects such as architecture, design, graphic and interior design. In this...
In the tales the world is one of pure romance. Mediæval customs, mediæval buildings, the mediæval Catholic religion, the general social framework of the thirteenth or...
A selection of poetical works by William Morris including: The Message of the March Wind, The Bridge and the Street, Sending to the War, Mother and Son, New Birth, The New,...
News from Nowhere is a utopian representation of Morris' vision of an ideal society. 'Nowhere' is in fact a literal translation of the word 'utopia'. This Utopia, an imagined...
The Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs is an epic poem telling the tragic story, drawn from the Volsunga Saga and the Elder Edda, of the Norse hero Sigmund,...
A selection of poetical works by William Morris including: The Day is Coming, The Voice of Toil, The Message of the March Wind, No Master, All for the Casue, The March of the...