Stevie Says Social Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 136:57:12
  • More information



If youre a Business Owner or Marketer looking to #LiftYourSocialMediaGame, this is the podcast for you!Get killer trainings on all things Social Media, Content and Digital Marketing. Stand out from the crowd, attract more followers, and most importantly convert those followers into clients + customers. From my own behind-the-scenes insights and no BS strategies to interviews with successful business owners to show you what REALLY works, youll get the roadmap, cheat sheets and secret strategies you need to nail your socials, grow your business and have fun doing it!


  • How Cat Doubled Her Best Launch Results with THIS Strategy

    20/06/2022 Duration: 01h04min

    Would you like to know what strategy Cat Skreiner used to double her best launch results? Cat Skreiner was already a successful course creator when she joined Launchpad in 2022, and had launched her flagship course multiple times before joining us. Cat explains the strategy she used to double her best launch results within months of starting Launchpad. Cat is an energetic business strategist and Human Design guide who works with heart-centred leaders and entrepreneurs seeking to embody their unique energetic design to achieve more ease, flow and abundance in their personal and professional lives. She has fused her 14+ years in digital marketing with Human Design to help her clients catapult their business success and drive impact in their business through the integration and embodiment of their unique energetic gifts. Cat shows her clients how exactly to create a more intentional business, one that is aligned with their design and that allows them to share your greatness with the world in a way that feels eas

  • What is a Traffic and Visibility Plan and Why Do I Need One?

    15/06/2022 Duration: 26min

    To sell a course, the right people need to see your offer. Period.Without eyeballs, there aren’t sales.Luckily, the process of GETTING eyeballs isn’t confined to a life spent slaving away on social media trying to build an audience.Because at the end of the day? Audience and leads are actually two very different things.Audience: A group of people to whom you deliver free content and thought leadership to.Leads: A group of people who express interest in your offer.An audience can help you generate leads, no doubt. But do you need a BIG audience to get the leads you need to sell your course? NUP.In today’s podcast episode, we walk through how to structure a traffic and visibility plan to generate the number of leads you need to fill your course funnel.. with or without a big audience to start out with.Here’s how to structure a plan of attack, to generate leads to sell your course, how it DIFFERS from audience.. and how it all works together; 1️⃣ Choose Your Selling System2️⃣ Do the Math3️⃣ Create Your Traffic a

  • How to Deliver a Launch That Sells Like Crazy

    14/06/2022 Duration: 22min

    Delivering a killer launch — you know, the ones you see online that feel flawlessly executed, that make you DROOL for whatever they’re selling and  have you WAITING for them to throw open their doors and offer you their course or program - is both art and science.In reality? I liken launches like that to a beautifully serene swan.. gliding effortlessly across a lake, but underneath paddling like mad to bring it all together! The truth is, a great launch takes work, but once you have the system nailed?You can roll it out again and again, automate to turn into an evergreen funnel, and ultimately use it to fuel the revenue for your online business for a profitable, sustainable online business for the long haul.In today’s podcast episode, we are covering the third key pillar in a successful, profitable digital education business — a replicable, high converting selling system. Let’s go!The process for doing this is the same regardless of whether you are live launching, or whether your offer is being sold inside of

  • How to Create An Irresistible Digital Course or Program That Sells Like Hotcakes

    12/06/2022 Duration: 27min

    If you don’t have an offer that sells, you don’t have a business — you have a hobby. Full stop, end of story. Your offer is the most critically important element of your course business, and yet it is so often overlooked in favour of.. well, everything.Although sliiiightly exaggerated, here are some of the things we see:❌ “I’ll spend two months creating my course; and then start talking on social media about the number of modules and lessons and then wonder why no-one is buying”.❌ “I’ll listen to my fave marketing podcast talking about the latest fancy funnel strategy and do THAT, because it must be my funnel that isn’t working”.❌ “I’ll start investing in Facebook ads, that’ll fix the crickets chirping in my bank account!”.No, no, no.. and just no.A great course won’t fix an offer problem (which is so sad, because there are so many epic courses sitting on the shelf that aren’t selling for this very reason!)A fancy sales strategy won’t fix an offer problem (if people don’t want what you’re putting out there, a

  • How Sherrie Achieved Our Highest EVER Launch Result In Her First Digital Course Launch

    06/06/2022 Duration: 37min

    Want to know how Sherrie achieved our highest EVER launch result in her first digital course launch?Sherrie Storor holds the title for the highest conversion rate of any digital course that has been birthed through Launchpad. There are many qualities that are required to be a successful course creator, and boy does Sherrie embody them. Sherrie generously and authentically shares her experiences from the good, the bad and the unprepared in her course creation journey. Sherrie Storor is one of Australia’s most astute and experienced real estate experts. Proving to be one of the industry’s most in demand, she mentors, coaches and empowers agents to succeed without sacrifice. Sherrie is a respected speaker at renowned industry events including the Australian Real Estate Conference and the organiser of the Women in Real Estate Business Series, she shares insightful knowledge accumulated from almost two decades of extensive experience. She is also widely recognised by the media for her perceptive comments and pract

  • How to Get S&*% Done (Even If You’re Busy, Overwhelmed and Over It)

    30/05/2022 Duration: 24min

    One thing I know for sure? That we’re all busy. Overwhelmed. Madly trying to maintain a business, often raise children, juggle a social life, fit in self care, work on our personal development, post on social, build our digital empire.. and, phew. It feels exhausting just talking about.I’m no different. And yet, in the past month? I have onboarded two full time staff members in my business, onboarded 10 new clients, created 13 podcast episodes, created at least two social posts a week, run a business.. oh, and parented a needy toddler, given birth to a new baby girl, pumped breast milk every three hours around the clock, tended to a newborn throughout the night.. OH, and also moved out of our home, facilitated a new house build and signed a contract with our builder, oversaw the demolition of the house, found a new rental in an impossible market AND moved into a new home.And, the clincher? I. Don’t. Feel. Overwhelmed.I. Still. Got. Sh^#. Done.And despite everyone who has watched the past couple of months unfo

  • A Quick Note on Motivation v Discipline

    23/05/2022 Duration: 11min

    “BUT I DON’T FEEL LIKE IT TODAY!!!” - Says everyone, always, when their motivation wanes.But, what if we told you that being MORE motivated is the LAST thing you need when it comes to marketing your business?There are so many moving elements when running a business, from balancing your books, business plans, hiring staff members, financial planning and paying bills. Yet we never use the phrases “I’m not in the mood”, “I don’t feel like showing up today” or “I will once I find the motivation” when it comes to these ‘critical’ business tasks.So, why is it that these ‘excuses’ are commonly used (me included) when it comes to one of the most CRITICAL elements for your business’ long term sustainability - namely, your marketing?In today’s podcast episode, I cover the difference between motivation and discipline and why I’ve stopped relying on motivation when it comes to all things marketing.Here's what we cover:✔️  What is the Difference Between Motivation and Discipline? ✔️  Why You Shouldn’t Rely on Motivat

  • Quick Win Ideas to Generate an Extra $10k+ FAST

    16/05/2022 Duration: 21min

    Want a quick $10k cash injection into your digital product business? Stuck on how to make it happen without a big, fancy launch? I hear you.Sometimes, it can be hard to see the forest for the trees and objectively see the potential for more income sitting right in front of you! So, here are 13 lucky ideas for additional income to the tune of a few thousand dollars

  • My Launch Flopped - Now What?

    09/05/2022 Duration: 23min

    Worried about launching a digital product and hearing crickets?

  • Stop Being a Doormat: How to Set Clear Boundaries With Students and Clients

    02/05/2022 Duration: 28min

    As a digital course and program creator with hundreds of people in my flagship program, Launchpad, and my digital courses combined, I have learnt a thing or two about the critical importance of setting boundaries over the past four years.For so long, I was a yes girl.I accommodated every client request, I ignored my own contract terms and conditions simply because I was asked to (or sometimes, low key threatened), I said “yes” to requests that meant saying “no” to family time, I made exceptions more than rules and - decision by decision - I became more and more frayed at the edges.Over time, I’ve had a number of mindset shifts that have helped me to not only start to more robustly set and maintain boundaries, but also to realise that doing so DOES NOT make you a bad person. In fact, it serves not only YOU but also your clients to do so because it creates clarity and fairness in all of your dealings.Here's what we cover: ✔️ You Can Be A Good Person, Without Being a Doormat ✔️ What You Allow, Will Continue

  • How to Productively Create Content Without Overwhelm as a One (Wo)Man Show

    25/04/2022 Duration: 30min

    Do you struggle to create content consistently? Have a habit of getting bursts of inspiration, and then fall off the hamster wheel entirely? Do you wonder how OTHERS manage to keep up with a consistent weekly content system when they’re juggling a million competing business and life priorities? Do you wish someone would just give you a simple damn system that works?In today’s podcast episode, I share the simple system we use inside of our business to create consistent, content that helps to sell our offers — and the best thing is? It works EVEN if you’re a one (wo)man band.We walk through each of these steps in detail —✔️ Step #1 — Choose a Planning Timeframe✔️ Step #2 — Pick a Content Theme That Aligns With Your Sales Goal For That Period✔️ Step #3 — Align Content Theme With Your Campaigns✔️ Step #4 — Use Your Content Theme Across ALL of Your Content✔️ Step #5 — The Planning Session✔️ Step #6 — The Creation Session✔️ Step #7 — [Optional] Amplify the Best Performing Content With Engagement Ads✔️ Step #8 — Rin

  • Six “Real Talk” Reasons I Stopped Posting on Social Media

    18/04/2022 Duration: 24min

    Do you KNOW you should be showing up on social media, but struggle to do it consistently? Several times over the past 18 months, that is the EXACT situation that I have found myself in.I know the Instagram rhetoric is to show up, be visible, blah blah.. but honestly? Sometimes it feels hard and heavy, and I think it’s okay to acknowledge that.In today’s podcast episode, I cover the six reasons that I have stopped posting on social media for fairly long stints multiple times recently. Here’s what we cover:✔️ Content creation fatigue due to an increased focus on curriculum creation ✔️ Being stuck in branding limbo ✔️ Suffering from perfection paralysis ✔️ I didn't like how I looked ✔️ I was tired of the Instagram echo chamber ✔️ After four years of "being consistent", I'd earned myself a hall passFull show notes for this episode can be found at more?

  • How I Got MORE Qualified Leads In 14 Days Than I Did In the Previous 12 Months - Without a Single Social Media

    11/04/2022 Duration: 29min

    Still blaming your lack of engagement, follower count or 'that damn algorithm' for the crickets chirping in your business bank account?We gotta talk ;)Give it to me straight — how many SALES did your current marketing efforts net you last week?Specifically.My guess? Either you have no idea, you’re not entirely sure because you can’t track it or, goose egg. Not ideal when the whole reason you’re ON social media is to get more clients, customers or students, right?If you ALREADY have social media followers, but they aren’t turning into customers/clients/students, is MORE followers the answer to your problems?The answer is NO.Earlier this year, I decided that I'd created enough content to last me several lifetimes - and though I credit it with the business I have today and it WORKED for me, I realised a few things:

  • How to Get PAID to Grow More Leads and Sales Than You Can Poke a Stick At!

    07/04/2022 Duration: 39min

    If you’re a service provider, coach, expert or course creator who needs a simple, effective system for effortlessly ascending your social media followers, email subscribers and audience into your offers, and finally generate the income and impact in your business that you desire and DESERVE to be making — this episode is for you.We walk you through the same strategy we’re now using within our own business to generate more leads than we can poke a stick at.First, you'll craft a no fuss, "TAKE MY MONEY" digital product offer.Next, you'll build a simple sales funnel with all of the steps, pages and assets.Finally, you'll execute on a no fuss, high impact launch plan to both get a quick cash injection from your product and to effortlessly funnel your new buyers into perfect fit students and clients for your higher priced offer/s.Intrigued? Listen in, where we break down the full process step-by-step.Full show notes for this episode can be found at

  • 06/04/2022 Duration: 20min

    Want sales?You need leads first. But, you already know that, right?So, you’re madly posting x3 times a week on Instagram, recording weekly podcasts and growing an email list of subscribers you desperately hope will one day buy.Little by little, your audience grows.Yay!But then, the next hurdle — MY LEADS AREN’T BUYING!Ahhh, yes.It’s a common conundrum.Like the course creator who spends $3,000 to build their list ahead of a launch —only to roll out a big, flashy launch and hear crickets chirping in their bank account (and not a SINGLE ‘cha-ching’).Or the service provider that busts their gut creating Reels —only to have one FINALLY go viral and give them 1000 new followers, and not a SINGLE one enquiry for their signature design service.Or the coach who spends seven hours on discovery calls trying to convert new leads —only to have ONE convert into a new client for their upcoming group coaching program.All three KNOW the importance of leads.. but they’re missing ONE critical distinction:The difference between

  • Why NOT Having an Ascension Model is Hurting Your Business

    05/04/2022 Duration: 18min

    “What is an ascension model, and why do I need one?” - said, well, basically no-one ever (because everyone is far too obsessed wondering how to get more engagement on Instagram).Well, everyone - it’s time to start asking better questions, because the truth is?An ascension model is HOW you take all of your fluffy followers and email subscribers (you know, the ones that you spend hours creating CONTENT for but who never actually buy your stuff?) and turn them into actual, paying customers.And that's EXACTLY what we are diving DEEP into in today's episode of the podcast.Here’s the breakdown, bullet point style (because I know “ascension model” doesn’t sound all that sexy and I don’t want to lose you here) —1. Every viable business needs a core offer that converts.2. Once you HAVE a core offer that converts, you need a process for funnelling dream customers/clients/students from NEVER having heard about you before to beating down the door to buy from you. This is called an ASCENSION MODEL (sexy, huh

  • The “Basic” Marketing Advice You Need to Stop Following RIGHT NOW

    04/04/2022 Duration: 27min

    Let me give it to you straight.Last year was a doozy in the online marketing world, and quite simply?Things got harder.Like, WAY harder.Times have changed.The world has changed.And no longer can we rely on the same old marketing rhetoric and “basic bitch” tips and strategies being peddled all over Instagram to build profitable, sustainable businesses for the long term with impact.So the question is — will you level up, and by doing so become one of the few businesses WILLING to stand out?Or, will you keep doing what you’ve always done? If you’re a service provider, coach, creative, course creator - or anyone that does business on the Internet - the truth is that if you want to survive?YOU NEED to get more sophisticated and level up the way you think about marketing your business.In this episode, we cover the five marketing mistakes you need to stop making RIGHT now to get more sophisticated with your marketing.Full show notes for this episode can be found at more?

  • Show Me the Money! How to Turn Email Subscribers Into Buyers

    03/04/2022 Duration: 30min

    I bet you've heard some of these things:“You don’t own your social media platforms!”“Build a list of email subscribers!”“You need a lead magnet to grow your list!”“Email is the highest converting platform for sales!!!”I have, because it seems that every online marketer out there says them!And let me say, it IS sage advice, but it begs the question — how on EARTH does one turn a measly email subscriber into a real, paying client, customer or student?!Like, HOW DOES THAT EVEN HAPPEN, ONLINE MARKETING EXPERT?!*Silence**Crickets chirping**Online marketing expert clears throat and exits room with vague excuse*EVERYONE tells you that you need an email list.But NO-ONE is talking about the journey from list to raving buyer, because there’s more to it than getting someone to download a free PDF.And, if you want the REAL uncomfortable truth?!A simple lead magnet ISN’T enough to turn someone into a customer — at least, by itself.And THAT’S where the customer journey comes in.. which is exactly what we’re talking ab

  • How to Create an Epic Lead Magnet in 60 Minutes or Less

    28/03/2022 Duration: 39min

    You know you should be growing your email list. Maybe you already have a random freebie collecting dust somewhere on your digital shelves. But actually taking it seriously? Well, it feels overwhelming, there's a million other things to do and if you're honest - it currently sits at about #1,031 on your priority list of business to dos.What if I told you that the RIGHT lead magnet is the gateway to more leads, sales and money in the bank? Because it is, and it doesn't have to be hard. The secret? The RIGHT strategy, and a simple, here's-exactly-how-you-do it template handed to you on a silver platter.In today’s podcast episode, I’m giving you both, covering the five key steps to creating a profitable lead magnet:Topic: There is both an art and a science to choosing a topic for your lead magnet that effortlessly ascends perfect fit buyers into your offers. We break down the three things you need and why it’s so important to start with the end in mind.Topic: The delivery format for your lead

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