Stevie Says Social Podcast

Stop Being a Doormat: How to Set Clear Boundaries With Students and Clients



As a digital course and program creator with hundreds of people in my flagship program, Launchpad, and my digital courses combined, I have learnt a thing or two about the critical importance of setting boundaries over the past four years.For so long, I was a yes girl.I accommodated every client request, I ignored my own contract terms and conditions simply because I was asked to (or sometimes, low key threatened), I said “yes” to requests that meant saying “no” to family time, I made exceptions more than rules and - decision by decision - I became more and more frayed at the edges.Over time, I’ve had a number of mindset shifts that have helped me to not only start to more robustly set and maintain boundaries, but also to realise that doing so DOES NOT make you a bad person. In fact, it serves not only YOU but also your clients to do so because it creates clarity and fairness in all of your dealings.Here's what we cover: ✔️ You Can Be A Good Person, Without Being a Doormat ✔️ What You Allow, Will Continue