Stevie Says Social Podcast



Want sales?You need leads first. But, you already know that, right?So, you’re madly posting x3 times a week on Instagram, recording weekly podcasts and growing an email list of subscribers you desperately hope will one day buy.Little by little, your audience grows.Yay!But then, the next hurdle — MY LEADS AREN’T BUYING!Ahhh, yes.It’s a common conundrum.Like the course creator who spends $3,000 to build their list ahead of a launch —only to roll out a big, flashy launch and hear crickets chirping in their bank account (and not a SINGLE ‘cha-ching’).Or the service provider that busts their gut creating Reels —only to have one FINALLY go viral and give them 1000 new followers, and not a SINGLE one enquiry for their signature design service.Or the coach who spends seven hours on discovery calls trying to convert new leads —only to have ONE convert into a new client for their upcoming group coaching program.All three KNOW the importance of leads.. but they’re missing ONE critical distinction:The difference between