Nourish Noshes



Integrative health coaches helping people look, feel and perform their best. Our clients lose weight, gain energy, have a positive mindset, move their bodies regularly, have clarity and have their goals met.


  • What do you crave?

    23/05/2018 Duration: 11min

    Cravings are universal and natural - but what we do with them can really trip us up. In our latest Nourish Noshes podcast, we talk about how we use food to fill the voids and calm our nerves. We share specific tips on deconstructing cravings and a few ways to skip cravings all together. Is this what you are looking for?

  • 6 Meal Myth

    07/05/2018 Duration: 12min

    We're often told by wellness practitioners that eating several small meals a day boosts our metabolism and regulates our blood sugar levels. We debunk these ideas and give our take on how to eat the best way for your individual body.

  • Praise the Peanut

    11/04/2018 Duration: 11min

    We love peanuts. Many of us do. But, many of us can't eat them because it's the number one allergen out there. Why? We discuss this as well as how surprisingly healthy peanuts are for our health (if you're not allergic, of course).

  • The Shaming Culture of Dieting

    09/03/2018 Duration: 11min

    In this podcast, we discuss the messed up culture of dieting, the 'idealized' woman shape, deprivation, and our philosophy about how these ideas aren't sustainable.  

  • ZZZs Matter

    01/12/2017 Duration: 11min

    We all know the importance of sleep, or do we? It's something that has some new research that is surprising and convincing that we really do need more sleep. Seriously.

  • What are your Band-Aids?

    24/10/2017 Duration: 10min

    Over time, we've learned to grab temporary "band-aids" like pills, topical treatments, potions, caffeine, alcohol, working, shopping, social media, TV. These "band-aids" can continue to cover up what's festering and the side effects often add to our suffering. Rip it off! Listen to our 40th Nourish Noshes podcast and let us know if you have any ah-ha moments.

  • Poggioli Extra

    10/10/2017 Duration: 14min

    Imagine you could accurately measure the health and nutrition benefits of your produce as you select it in the store. You don't have to imagine for long. Listen to hear about this incredible tool on our Nourish Noshes Extra. If you want to learn more about this tool we mention, go to Dan Kittredge's webpage of the Bionutrient Food Association:

  • Poggioli Farms

    13/08/2017 Duration: 27min

    In August, we met with RJ and Rob Poggioli to record a podcast with them. We had met RJ at one of our book signings earlier in the year and we instantly connected over our shared values of real food, sustainable farming and living, and educating our communities on the importance of these ideas. They were here for more than an hour sharing all about their journey to becoming land owners. We loved talking with them and having their passionate, young, 20-something energy in our space. In this episode we talked about: How Rob and RJ grew up eating good foods under the influence of their grandmother and noticing the disparity of what they ate and what their friends were eating. Traveling to Ecuador and experiencing their culture around food and farming. RJ’s parasite drama and his path back to health, influencing his journey. Poggioli Farm evolves as they travel to Peru and Europe and realize they need to get back to their roots in New Jersey. RJ and Rob go to their first NOFA Conference which inspires

  • It’s Not Black and White

    25/07/2017 Duration: 11min

    What's right for you, might not be right for your neighbor. For this podcast episode of Nourish Noshes, we were inspired by several of our library talks where we field questions about diet, exercise, sleep, and specific food questions. We get it, people want answers. Listen to our answer to common questions like:  Is coffee good for me?  What do you think about soy?  I thought dairy was bad for me? 

  • Staples

    30/05/2017 Duration: 16min
  • What Color is Your Sky? Interview with Jodi Grinwald

    24/05/2017 Duration: 21min

    Do you ever find yourself captivated by the sky, the ocean, the trees, the birds and the bees? Wouldn't it be beautiful to have more of those moments of deep appreciation?  In this podcast, Jodi Grinwald of Today is the Day Live It, talks about how these moments of appreciation can help you get connected and allow yourself to get that good feeling we all live for. "Do something today that your future self will thank you for." ~Jodi Grinwald Jodi also talks about a certification she has completed called the Energy Leadership Index - a special assessment tool that helps us understand how we respond to stress in this crazy world.  We got a glimpse of her training at a recent talk she gave - we highly recommend!  Listen to our podcast with Jodi here. >>>Get connected with Jodi

  • From Binge Eating to Peaceful Eating

    18/05/2017 Duration: 27min

    Does binge eating, lack of control and deception take over your eating habits? Julie Latz of Peaceful Eating talks with Debbie Peterson and Wendy Bright-Fallon of Nourish Noshes about her 45 year personal journey of binge eating and recovery. Her clients have a 100% success rate using her methods. Learn more about her path and her healing method in this podcast.

  • Interview with Marilyn Schlossbach

    21/04/2017 Duration: 35min

    Marilyn Schlossbach is an executive chef and restaurateur. She is an environmentalist, community activist, traveler, surfer, and mom who is on a continual quest for culture and knowledge and shares her passion for the road less traveled with her patrons and community. Wendy and I are big fans of Marilyn and have been going to her restaurants for years.  We were fortunate to be in an entrepreneurial networking group with her a few years ago where we got to know her a little more personally and soon after asked her to contribute to our cookbook: nourish a community supported cookbook. The recipes she contributed are Green Machine Smoothie, Cuban Grilled Corn, and Aloha Chocolate Mousse. Knowing Marilyn had her hands in a lot of pots (pun intended), we wanted to interview her to hear about her work and her philanthropy. We discuss how she is such a great example of following one’s  passions to create a career that allows her to continue her love of food, travel, and community advocacy. She talks about the chall

  • Adrenals Understood

    24/03/2017 Duration: 11min

    Adrenal Fatigue Adrenal fatigue is one of those diagnoses that is given to a lot of us who are feeling stressed out. It's not so much how to treat this condition as to how to learn how to deal with stress better. There is no magic medicinal cure, but we have some answers in this podcast.

  • Taste Challenge

    07/02/2017 Duration: 06min

    Challenged with what to eat tonight? How often do you get stuck eating the same foods every day?  We all get in that rut, partially because we don't make the time to think about being creative or trying something new; partially because we just don't know what to try or how to prepare it. That's where we come in.  Here is our challenge podcast via Nourish Noshes.

  • Drink Up!

    20/01/2017 Duration: 10min

    Specifically:  DRINK WATER ... We all know we're supposed to drink water.  We all know we probably don't drink enough.  But, do you know exactly why you need to stay hydrated?  It's surprising what you may not know.  For instance, dehydration fuels anxiety, reduces performance and creates hunger (among many other things).  In our latest Nourish Noshes Podcast we spell out 10 reasons why drinking water can upgrade your health and performance.  Bonus:  If weight loss is your goal, can drinking more water help?  Listen here. PURE, UNADULTERATED WATER We don't talk about plastics and the hormone disrupting effects of BpA in this podcast - we talk about that in this podcast  But it deserves to be mentioned again.  Plastic water bottles are everywhere and we could go on a rant about the environmental impact.  We cringe seeing the water isle in Costco and witness the piles sitting in the window in the direct hot sun at dollar stores.  Buying bottled water is a waste of money and resources.  Suggestion: buy a Kleen

  • Boomerang Board–Connection Counts

    11/01/2017 Duration: 19min

    Connecting with others, whether it is family, friends, like-minded colleagues, athletic groups, or church community, is just as important as nutrition and movement. In our wellness journeys, we usually think about nutrition and movement (exercise) first.  Perhaps we ponder stress management, and maybe even our sleep, but rarely, if ever, do we consider “connection” as a pillar of health. In fact, if you have the healthiest plant-based diet and regular movement and strength training, but isolate yourself from others, you may have just as much of a chance of disease as a junk food eating, sedentary person who doesn’t isolate him/herself. Connecting is THAT important. Studies have found that those who are more isolated have more than twice the risk of disease than those with positive social relationships.  For more on the studies, see this link.  This is why we added our fifth pillar of “connection” to our Nourish Pillars of Health:  nutrition, movement, sleep, stress management, and connection. What are your

  • Community Matters

    10/08/2016 Duration: 12min

    It's our fifth pillar of health. We need connections, and having a strong community is vital to our well-being.

  • Lisa McComsey on Seagan Eating

    17/07/2016 Duration: 27min

    Ever heard of Seagan Eating? Find out why writer, marathoner, journalist and marathoner Lisa McComsey started eating seafood after years of a vegan diet.

  • Eating With the Seasons: Summer

    23/06/2016 Duration: 08min

    Eating with the seasons is important to be in synch with our bodies needs for what it is exposed to. To have ultimate health, try your best to follow seasonal patterns with what grows and is harvested.

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