Nourish Noshes

Boomerang Board–Connection Counts



Connecting with others, whether it is family, friends, like-minded colleagues, athletic groups, or church community, is just as important as nutrition and movement. In our wellness journeys, we usually think about nutrition and movement (exercise) first.  Perhaps we ponder stress management, and maybe even our sleep, but rarely, if ever, do we consider “connection” as a pillar of health. In fact, if you have the healthiest plant-based diet and regular movement and strength training, but isolate yourself from others, you may have just as much of a chance of disease as a junk food eating, sedentary person who doesn’t isolate him/herself. Connecting is THAT important. Studies have found that those who are more isolated have more than twice the risk of disease than those with positive social relationships.  For more on the studies, see this link.  This is why we added our fifth pillar of “connection” to our Nourish Pillars of Health:  nutrition, movement, sleep, stress management, and connection. What are your