Nourish Noshes

Drink Up!



Specifically:  DRINK WATER ... We all know we're supposed to drink water.  We all know we probably don't drink enough.  But, do you know exactly why you need to stay hydrated?  It's surprising what you may not know.  For instance, dehydration fuels anxiety, reduces performance and creates hunger (among many other things).  In our latest Nourish Noshes Podcast we spell out 10 reasons why drinking water can upgrade your health and performance.  Bonus:  If weight loss is your goal, can drinking more water help?  Listen here. PURE, UNADULTERATED WATER We don't talk about plastics and the hormone disrupting effects of BpA in this podcast - we talk about that in this podcast  But it deserves to be mentioned again.  Plastic water bottles are everywhere and we could go on a rant about the environmental impact.  We cringe seeing the water isle in Costco and witness the piles sitting in the window in the direct hot sun at dollar stores.  Buying bottled water is a waste of money and resources.  Suggestion: buy a Kleen