The Child Whisperer Show With Carol Tuttle

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 108:10:00
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What keeps your good parenting from being GREAT parenting? Learn to become a Child Whisperer with Carol's bestselling book and weekly podcast. You too can have happy, successful, cooperative children when you now their true nature.Carol Tuttle is a highly trusted parent educator and personal development pioneer. Millions of families have been blessed by Carol's work and teachings. After Carol's formal education as a Teacher, she went on to study numerous natural and complementary healing techniques. She is an expert on human nature and presents her understanding's in her easy to learn Energy Profiling system. Carol invites you to call in (347-677-1963) with your questions during the live broadcast. Her expert advice and heartfelt support will help you become a conscious, intentional parent who creates a supportive experience for both children and parents.Want to ask a question before the show? Send Carol an email: parenting@liveyourtruth.comLearn more about Carol at


  • How to Calm Your Anxious Child

    17/12/2018 Duration: 16min

    Anxiety can be a challenge for every Type of child It's hard to watch your child get stuck in anxiety. They tighten up. They can't work through things that they otherwise would. What do you do? Every Type of child tends to get anxious for a unique reason. In this episode, Carol and Anne outline those reasons. The questions they share will help you get to the bottom of your child's anxiety—and resolve it. This week’s Parenting Practice This week, notice if your child is anxious, what is triggering it, and then use the techniques taught in this episode to help them move through it. Consider which changes are needed in your approach or your child's environment. Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox.  

  • What to Do When Your Child Criticizes Their Body

    10/12/2018 Duration: 12min

    You want your child to love their body, and it's troubling when they don't. "I worry about my oldest daughter. She says how fat she is. We have purchased cute clothes that she loves but she compares herself to others and their body shapes and sizes. What can I do to better support her?" In this episode, Carol and Anne share useful tips to help your child swim against the tide of self-criticism. If your child is nearing 12 years old, or is already in the teen years, you need to listen to this episode. This week’s Parenting Practice This episode is full of information. Listen, use it, and invite your children to use it as well. Then write out this affirmation and put it in the family bathroom: "When I look in the mirror, I see a healthy and fit body that I love." What you put your attention on, you create more of.  Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox.  

  • How to (Finally) Stop Yelling at Your Kids

    03/12/2018 Duration: 17min

    Yes, you can kick the yelling habit for good. You know the cycle. You ask your kids to do something. They don't listen and don't listen, until finally you lose your cool. You yell and you regret it. Yelling is usually the result of deeper patterns. You won't stop the yelling if you don't solve the patterns. In this episode, Carol and Anne bring those patterns to light. Their tips will help you create cooperation and calm. This week’s Parenting Practice Next time you feel the urge to yell, stop what you're doing. Go and look your child in the eyes and tell them exactly what you want and what you expect from them and have an honoring dialogue. Get your child's confirmation that they heard you. If you need to break an old pattern, go to your child and say, "I have a habit of yelling. I do not want to do that anymore. I want us to all work together. I'm going to try something different. Are you willing to try it with me?" Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Ann

  • Extreme Tantrums? A Simple, But Surprising Cure

    26/11/2018 Duration: 18min

    Do your child's emotional breakdowns wear you out? We all have bad days sometimes. But what do you do when emotional meltdowns are a regular event for your child? Extreme behavior is a red flag. It's a message that's telling you something your child might not be able to say or even understand. In this episode, Carol and Anne help you consider a surprising fix for extreme behavior. This week’s Parenting Practice If your child is melting down, throwing fits, or having any other extreme behavior, take time to evaluate: Could the meltdown be connected to diet? Make one significant improvement to your family's diet this week. Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox.  

  • How Do I Get My Husband to Try The Child Whisperer Approach?

    19/11/2018 Duration: 15min

    "My husband's not interested—how do I change his mind?" This question is a real frustration when you know how much smoother parenting can be. You love The Child Whisperer and you want him to, too. In this episode, Carol and Anne share easy tips for getting your partner on board. They also share real stories from real moms who have won over their husbands to be engaged Child Whisperer parents. This week’s Parenting Practice Look for an opportunity this week to share what you know about your child because of The Child Whisperer. Use language that's specific to your child, not the book. Speak from your personal experience and see the response you get. (Listen to the episode for tips on how to say this.) If your partner is already involved, find the opportunity to share gratitude that you're working together as parents. Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox.  

  • How to Know Your Baby's Type In Utero

    12/11/2018 Duration: 12min

    Wondering how early you can assess your child's Type? So many things to look forward to when you're pregnant—including the discovery of your little one's Energy Type! We regularly receive questions about how early you can determine a child's Type. The answer is: from the beginning. In this episode, you'll hear how each Type tends to move in the womb, and how pregnant moms tend to respond to carrying babies of all 4 Energy Types. This week’s Parenting Practice No, this week's practice is not to get pregnant! This week, notice evidence of your child's Type. Take a step back and ask, "Am I trying to correct too much of their tendencies? Or am I working with them?" Reflect back on your pregnancy to reconfirm your child's Type. Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox.  

  • How to Help Your Child Take Risks Wisely

    05/11/2018 Duration: 11min

    Before you hit the brakes, consider this. Kids need risk. It's part of growing up. You know that—but sometimes your child wants to stretch farther than you think is safe or age-appropriate. How do you know when to say No and when to say Go? in this episode, Carol and Anne share tips to recognize which risks are correct, and how to support your child in taking risks wisely—from big risks to small. This week’s Parenting Practice Notice any risks that your child is wanting to take. Use the prayer that Carol shares that it will work out if it's meant to be and if not, it will fall apart. If you see that it's mean to be, get out of your child's way and support them in taking that risk—including finding a mentor, if that's correct. Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox.  

  • Teaching Empathy, Without Taking on Others' Energy

    29/10/2018 Duration: 15min

    When was the last time your child got worked up? Children are empathic. They're always reading their parents and their environments to be safe and to learn how to be in the world. If they try to fix other people's emotions, they'll get overwhelmed and stressed. In this episode, Carol and Anne share tips to recognize when your child is taking on others' energy, plus some conversational and energy techniques to help children to stay calm and hold their own. This week’s Parenting Practice Use the energy techniques in the episode: spinal flush and zip up. Talk to your child about sending love to those who are distressed rather than taking on or trying to fix their emotions. Observe if you've labeled any of your children a peacemaker or troublemaker. Discontinue that so they can be responsible for their own experience in the family, rather than everyone else's. Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox.  

  • How to Help Break Your Child's Bad Habit

    22/10/2018 Duration: 12min

    When you just want them to stop... It's tough as a parent to watch your child repeat a bad habit. You want the best for them and they'd do best to leave those bad habits behind. Here's the surprise: bad habit patterns may actually be generational! Instead of asking, reminding, or bribing your child to stop, you can do something far more powerful. In this episode, Carol and Anne show how, with examples.  This week’s Parenting Practice Consider whether or not your child is feeling shamed about their bad habit. Using the tips in this episode, enroll them in a loving way to change this habit, having the conversation when the habit is not happening. Observe any ways you also do a version of this habit. Is it generational? Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox.  

  • How to Tune In to Your Parental Intuition More Confidently

    15/10/2018 Duration: 13min

      Sometimes, you just know. In the ups and downs of parenting, you can tap into a powerful guidance source to keep taking the next correct step through it all. Intuition is one of your greatest guidance tools as a parent. The more you trust it, the more it develops. In this episode, Carol and Anne share how the 4 Types of parents are most likely to recognize intuition and personal stories to help you tune into your own intuition with confidence.  This week’s Parenting Practice 1) Pay attention to how you experience intuition. 2) Some situation will present itself this week for you to receive intuition around. Trust it and move forward. 3) Then express gratitude for it and you'll receive more. Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox.  

  • How Do I Get My Child to Listen to Me?

    08/10/2018 Duration: 11min

    Does your child resist you, brush you off, or tell you "no"? If you're a parent, you've been there. Your child asserts their independence and just won't do what you've asked of them. What to do? This episode begins with the question about a resistant Type 4 child. But it turns out that all 4 Types of children have a reason to shut you out. Listen to Carol and Anne's tips to connect with your child so they listen to you. This week’s Parenting Practice Pay attention to moments this week when you can show your child respect. Finish the sentence, "I really respect you because..." Do this at times when you're not trying to get your child to follow directions or listen to you. When children feel respected by you, they are more apt to listen to you. Start with respect first and then see other situations shift. Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox.  

  • Ouch! How to Stop Your Child's Biting, Hitting, Kicking

    01/10/2018 Duration: 12min

    When children act out, they have reasons. Let's discover them. Biting, hitting, kicking, screaming. When your child gets upset, they can let loose. It worries you, especially when they're around other children. Of all Types of children, Type 3 children tend to act out most physically, but every Type will bite for different reasons. In this episode, Carol and Anne explore the reasons behind acting out—and what you can do to stop it. This week’s Parenting Practice This week, reverse roles with your child and role play in order to teach a correct behavior—rather than just telling them to correct their misbehavior (such as biting). Listen to this episode to hear how Anne and Carol would play this out. Make sure to give a lot of praise to reward good behavior. Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox.  

  • Turn a Pessimistic Child Into an Optimistic One in 3 Steps

    24/09/2018 Duration: 13min

     Helping children see the good starts with simple steps. It's tiring, isn't it? Your child's world is full of so much good—but they seem to find the worst. You want to help your child stop being so negative, but how?  If you find yourself telling your child to focus on the positive, stop right there. You might be missing a step that makes your advice difficult to take. Carol and Anne share tips in this episode to help your child create true optimism. This week’s Parenting Practice This week, instead of correcting your child's negative responses, coach them with these three steps. 1. Find out more by asking: Why don't you like that? 2. Ask: what do you want instead? 3. Put your focus on that together. Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox.  

  • How to know if your child is over committed

    17/09/2018 Duration: 16min

    All 4 Types of children get overwhelmed in their own way Whining, procrastination, resistance, complaining. These can all be signs of a child who has too much coming at them.  How do you find the right balance? And more importantly, if a child is overcommitted, how do you help them let things go? Carol and Anne share tips to create a more balanced schedule for all 4 Types of children. This week’s Parenting Practice This week, take inventory of all the activities your child is involved in. Use the tips in this week's episode to determine which ones are supportive to your child. Ask your child how they feel about each activity and let go of what's not supportive anymore.  Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox.  

  • "I Wish I'd Found The Child Whisperer Earlier. Can I Make Up for Lost Time?"

    10/09/2018 Duration: 10min

    You can affirm your child at any age—even as an adult. If you've ever wished you found The Child Whisperer sooner, you're not the only one. But it's never too late to be a better parent.  In this episode, Carol and Anne share ways to counteract any ways you shamed your child in the past, and how to validate them now that understand them better after reading The Child Whisperer. This week’s Parenting Practice Get out The Child Whisperer book. Look up your child's Type, and pick two or three phrases of validation that you want to share with them. Look for the opportunity to present itself to use those phrases and validate your child's true nature—whether they're 2 or 52 years old. (Phrases found here. Type 1: pp. 86-94 / Type 2: pp. 148-155 / Type 3: pp. 213-221 / Type 4: pp. 288-296)  Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox.  

  • What Is the Healthy Role of a Grandparent?

    03/09/2018 Duration: 10min

    Tips in this episode help both parents and grandparents The relationship between grandparent and grandchild can be so fulfilling and important. But without boundaries and priorities in the proper place, interaction between the generations can become painful or difficult. In this episode, Carol and Anne clarify healthy boundaries, and what you can do to relieve tension—whether you're a parent or grandparent yourself. This week’s Parenting Practice If you're a grandparent, get clearer on your role, set boundaries, and play that role well. Don't meddle in what's not your business. If you're the parent and there are issues with a grandparent, talk to your spouse and then make a plan to approach the grandparent to move this in a positive direction. Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox.  

  • Want a Clean Home? How to Get Your Whole Family On Board

    27/08/2018 Duration: 13min

    Do your children leave a trail of mess behind them? You've felt it. Messy, cluttery spaces create tension in the space of your home. You don't want to constantly be picking up after your family. But they won't pick up after themselves. What do you do? Carol and Anne share the conversations that need to happen long before you're frustrated. You'll get everyone on board with a cleaner home. This week’s Parenting Practice This week, set aside a conversation time as parents to decide the level of cleanliness you want to create in your home. Do this at a time when neither of you is frustrated. Then, enroll your children in your choices. Set up a system that supports you. And then recognize the successes you all create. Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox.  

  • Why Parents Need to Stop Saying "You're Making Me..."

    20/08/2018 Duration: 10min

    One little phrase can cause more problems than you realize. "You're making me worried. You're making me tired. You're making me mad. You're making me crazy. You're making me angry." Have you ever said one of those? The phrase "You're making me..." sets up you and your child for long-term issues. In this episode, Carol and Anne show why that phrase is so damaging and give you helpful replacements to create even better outcomes. This week’s Parenting Practice Notice the times when you think or say the phrase, "You're making me..." Using the tips in this episode, change how you say it, to get a more successful response. Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox.  

  • How to Change Your Child's Frustrating Behavior

    13/08/2018 Duration: 15min

    Sometimes, your children behave in ways that are just not okay—because they're harmful, or because they're not supportive to your family culture. You are the parent. And you are not powerless. Here's what to do. In this episode, Carol and Anne share examples of difficult behavior and tips to help you move forward when your children try your patience. Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox.  

  • Play Dates: How to Help Your Child Play Well With Others

    06/08/2018 Duration: 12min

    With a little support, every child can get along with their play mates. Play time with friends. Every child needs it, but not every child does it the same. Without the right support or guidance, some children can be seen as "bossy" and others "shy."      In this episode, Carol and Anne share helpful ways to support all 4 Types of children so play dates can be successful and pleasant for everyone. This week’s Parenting Practice This week, pay attention to play time. What can you do this week to set up more successful playdates? As you hear the tips for your child's Energy Types in this episode, note what comes to mind. Choose one small thing you can alter this week to set your child up for successful play experiences.? Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox.  

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