The Child Whisperer Show With Carol Tuttle

How to Help Break Your Child's Bad Habit



When you just want them to stop... It's tough as a parent to watch your child repeat a bad habit. You want the best for them and they'd do best to leave those bad habits behind. Here's the surprise: bad habit patterns may actually be generational! Instead of asking, reminding, or bribing your child to stop, you can do something far more powerful. In this episode, Carol and Anne show how, with examples.  This week’s Parenting Practice Consider whether or not your child is feeling shamed about their bad habit. Using the tips in this episode, enroll them in a loving way to change this habit, having the conversation when the habit is not happening. Observe any ways you also do a version of this habit. Is it generational? Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox.