The Child Whisperer Show With Carol Tuttle

How to know if your child is over committed



All 4 Types of children get overwhelmed in their own way Whining, procrastination, resistance, complaining. These can all be signs of a child who has too much coming at them.  How do you find the right balance? And more importantly, if a child is overcommitted, how do you help them let things go? Carol and Anne share tips to create a more balanced schedule for all 4 Types of children. This week’s Parenting Practice This week, take inventory of all the activities your child is involved in. Use the tips in this week's episode to determine which ones are supportive to your child. Ask your child how they feel about each activity and let go of what's not supportive anymore.  Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox.