The Child Whisperer Show With Carol Tuttle

How Do I Get My Husband to Try The Child Whisperer Approach?



"My husband's not interested—how do I change his mind?" This question is a real frustration when you know how much smoother parenting can be. You love The Child Whisperer and you want him to, too. In this episode, Carol and Anne share easy tips for getting your partner on board. They also share real stories from real moms who have won over their husbands to be engaged Child Whisperer parents. This week’s Parenting Practice Look for an opportunity this week to share what you know about your child because of The Child Whisperer. Use language that's specific to your child, not the book. Speak from your personal experience and see the response you get. (Listen to the episode for tips on how to say this.) If your partner is already involved, find the opportunity to share gratitude that you're working together as parents. Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox.