The Child Whisperer Show With Carol Tuttle

How to Tune In to Your Parental Intuition More Confidently



  Sometimes, you just know. In the ups and downs of parenting, you can tap into a powerful guidance source to keep taking the next correct step through it all. Intuition is one of your greatest guidance tools as a parent. The more you trust it, the more it develops. In this episode, Carol and Anne share how the 4 Types of parents are most likely to recognize intuition and personal stories to help you tune into your own intuition with confidence.  This week’s Parenting Practice 1) Pay attention to how you experience intuition. 2) Some situation will present itself this week for you to receive intuition around. Trust it and move forward. 3) Then express gratitude for it and you'll receive more. Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox.