The Child Whisperer Show With Carol Tuttle

How to (Finally) Stop Yelling at Your Kids



Yes, you can kick the yelling habit for good. You know the cycle. You ask your kids to do something. They don't listen and don't listen, until finally you lose your cool. You yell and you regret it. Yelling is usually the result of deeper patterns. You won't stop the yelling if you don't solve the patterns. In this episode, Carol and Anne bring those patterns to light. Their tips will help you create cooperation and calm. This week’s Parenting Practice Next time you feel the urge to yell, stop what you're doing. Go and look your child in the eyes and tell them exactly what you want and what you expect from them and have an honoring dialogue. Get your child's confirmation that they heard you. If you need to break an old pattern, go to your child and say, "I have a habit of yelling. I do not want to do that anymore. I want us to all work together. I'm going to try something different. Are you willing to try it with me?" Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Ann