Empowered Couples



Ignite your day with inspiring and authentic interviews with EmPowered Couples that will help you design your own version of what it means to be an Empowered couple. We believe that we can all be thriving physically, financially and spiritually while strengthening our partnership.We are honored to be your hosts, The Freemans, we are authors of the book The New Power Couple, speakers, and Social Entrepreneurs. Alright, here we go.


  • 4 Things Couples Forget to Do After Years Together (That Are Crucial to Connection!): Episode 289

    09/05/2023 Duration: 14min

    Do you ever wish that you were back in that infamous "honeymoon" stage of your marriage? Believe us we understdand why we hear this from couples. You want to be in that feeling of newness, optimism, passion, and infinite possibilites with a true partner at your side. There is something to honor about this stage but the reality is that this is not just a short window of time that you cannot get back. It's just that you were doing a bunch of things unconsciously that were leading to this feeling of marrital bliss. In this episode you will be enlightened hearing these 4 things that you just forget to do after being together for years. In some situations it's not that you even forgot but they you never realized you were doing them in the forst place. But now you can relaize what these actions are and consciously bring them into your life to add to increaes your connection, optimism, and feeling of possibility!    Resources For Your Relationship: NEW REPAIR GUIDE: A step-by-step guide to repairing after an argumen

  • Empathy vs Sympathy: Which Are You Looking For From Your Partner?: Episode 288

    02/05/2023 Duration: 24min

    Do you ever feel that your partner just doesn’t understand and that they just don’t empathize with what you are feeling? This is a big topic for many couples. A key element of a great relationship is that you can be going through a difficult time (even if caused by your partner) and you have a partner that can be comforting and compassionate to be on your side as you go through it.  In this episode you will hear the difference between empathy and sympathy so that you can better understand which you are actually needing from them. Then you will hear some of the blocks to showing empathy and sympathy and a few steps to better demonstrate that in your relationship.   Resources For Your Relationship: NEW REPAIR GUIDE: A step-by-step guide to repairing after an argument; to ensure it’s resolved for good and get back to being truly connected as a couple. It’s the Making Up & Moving Forward Guide and it’s only $19. NEW DE-ESCALATE CONFLICTS GUIDE: A realistic guide to managing your emotions and keeping simple co

  • 3 Mistakes That Escalate Conversations into Conflicts (and What to Do Instead): Episode 287

    25/04/2023 Duration: 14min

    You can feel so taken off guard and frustrated when a seemingly simple conversation with your partner escalates into a conflict. When this happens both of you tend to say or do things that do more damage to the other. This is even more irritating because it could have been easily avoided in your mind.  This is exactly the point of this episode, the mistakes that escalate conversations into conflicts. In this episode you will hear 3 mistakes so that you can better recognize them and take a more constructive action so that you can de-escalate the emotion, accept it, and still stay on the same team with each other.   Resources For Your Relationship: NEW DE-ESCALATE CONFLICTS GUIDE: A realistic guide to managing your emotions and keeping simple conversations from escalating into overblown fights. It’s the De-escalating Conflicts & Regulating Emotions Guide and it’s only $19.   If you haven't yet got the repair guide to go with it, it's the step-by-step guide to repairing after an argument; to ensure it’s reso

  • Understand & Overcome Jealousy: Episode 286

    19/04/2023 Duration: 26min

    At first you might not think that you feel any jealousy in your marriage. But jealousy is simply the feeling of unhappiness or anger because someone has something you want. Yet there are others that might feel this emotion more prevalently.  In this episode you will understand more about jealousy and where it can come from. Then you will have 5 steps to take to overcome this feeling in collaboration with your partner.   Resources For Your Relationship: 1) NEW REPAIR GUIDE: A step-by-step guide to repairing after an argument; to ensure it’s resolved for good and get back to being truly connected as a couple. It’s the Making Up & Moving Forward Guide and it’s only $19. 2) Watch our FREE WebClass on: The 5 Steps to Fully Repair After an Argument So You Reconnect in Minutes (Instead of Hours, Days, Weeks). Pick a time to watch it here. 3) To find even more resources like webclasses, books, guides and coaching; visit our resources page here https://www.meetthefreemans.com/links 

  • Your Inner Child & Shadow Patterns: Meeting These Parts of Yourselves to Go Beyond Where You Get Stuck: Episode 285

    11/04/2023 Duration: 27min

    Understanding the concepts of inner child and shadow patterns is crucial for a healthy marriage. We are not going to sugarcoat this either, it's one of the most difficult yet necessary things to do. In this podcast, you will explore how these two aspects can impact your behavior and dynamic in your relationship. Then you will learn practical strategies for working with these deep rooted patterns, you'll gain valuable tools for integrating these parts of yourself, promoting greater self awareness and ability to break old patterns in your marriage.   Resources For Your Relationship: NEW REPAIR GUIDE: A step-by-step guide to repairing after an argument; to ensure it’s resolved for good and get back to being truly connected as a couple. It’s the Making Up & Moving Forward Guide and it’s only $19.

  • Identifying 5 Root Causes of Conflicts so You Can Finally Resolve Them: Episode 284

    04/04/2023 Duration: 16min

    By now you know that repairing after your conflicts with your partner is one of the most critical aspects for a marriage. It might even be the most critical. If you do not repair, you just create more problems later on and you drive an emotional wedge between you. Repair is not an easy thing to do for two reasons that you will hear in this episode.    One of these reasons is the whole purpose of this episode… you do not identify the real root cause of the conflict. Most people just try and move on, but this will only have the problem repeat. In this episode are 5 root causes of conflicts that you need to reflect on in your repair process so that you can actually address and change the actions that are needed in your relationship.    If you want to listen to the replay of the full webclass on this topic, just use this link here: Why Are We Arguing Again Webclass. Then if you are wanting to better use these root causes in your repair process, be sure you get the Making Up & Moving Forward Guide so you can s

  • Develop These 4 Crucial (and Unexpected) Traits to Be a Consistently Great Partner: Episode 283

    28/03/2023 Duration: 23min

    Is it just random and based on your inherent personality traits whether you are a great spouse and partner? What if it wasn’t so much about your personality traits anyway, as it was other character traits that you could develop along the way? That would feel encouraging and empowering to us, and it should to you as well!  To us it doesn’t matter as much about the personality traits that you come into a relationship with. The fact is everyone is different and that makes every relationship unique in the dynamics that will happen based on your trait differences. However, as you will hear in this episode, there are 4 crucial traits that you can proactively develop that will make you a great partner consistently! No matter what your personality these traits can and should be developed to have a great marriage.   Resources For Your Relationship: We don't do this often so make sure you attend our FREE LIVE WebClass on March 30th, 2023: Why Are We Arguing Again? a weblcass to identify the real root causes of conflict

  • Decide What Kind of Couple You’re Going to Be: The Resistant or Resilient Mindset: Episode 282

    21/03/2023 Duration: 24min

    We don't do this often so make sure you attend our FREE LIVE WebClass on March 30th, 2023: Why Are We Arguing Again? a weblcass to identify the real root causes of conflict so you can ultimately resolve them When a challenge comes up in your life or you have a conflict with your partner, do you shrink down to your default responses or rise to the occasion? When you face situations that call for you to change a pattern of behavior or adjust your willingness to have the hard but necessary conversations do you resist or embrace it? Today’s episode is all about becoming a “Resilient” versus “Resistant” couple. A resistant couple is going to find themselves in the same patterns of conflict, results in life, and attitudes toward each other. To break out of these patterns you need to adopt the mindset of being resilient. You will hear examples of ways to adopt this new mentality so that you can make the real change you desire in your marriage and face life’s challenges as a team!   Ongoing Resources For Your Relatio

  • Red Flags That Signal a Change is Needed in Your Marriage: Episode 281

    14/03/2023 Duration: 38min

    Red flags in regards to relationships are warning signs. But often these warning signs are spoken about as a reflection into the past as a reason to have gotten out of the relationship earlier.  Though this is a fine practice if you are dating or even engaged, when it comes to a committed marriage, these red flags signify something different. These red flags are not reasons for you to leave the marriage at all, these are signs you want to be on the lookout for throughout your years together to help signal you both about the patterns that need to shift in your relationship together.  In this episode you will hear which red flags you should be on the lookout for and then come together to figure out what needs to shift between the two of you. You will get examples of types of changes to make for each red flag so that you are constantly on the same page, growing closer together, and better managing the challenges that arise in life.   Resources For Your Relationship: NEW REPAIR GUIDE: A step-by-step guide to repa

  • Debriefing Our Own Argument in the Airport to Uncover the Real Root Cause: Episode 280

    07/03/2023 Duration: 22min

    At this point you know that arguments are going to happen. It’s not the right goal to try and not have them. It’s all about the repair. Now a big problem that you have likely experienced yourself is that when you try and come back to the conversation, it just escalates and you relive the whole argument. Now you are probably even more angry and frustrated with each other.  So in this episode we take you through an argument we just had 3 days ago while we were at the airport coming back from a trip. This one we did not keep from escalating and disconnecting us for over 24 hours. But then we did debrief our argument to find the root cause and resolve it together. You will authentically hear from us the mistakes even we made, but how you can debrief after an argument so that you too can shorten your argument hangovers and be able to learn the value lessons from an argument and change the patterns for the future! MAKE SURE YOU GET THE NEW REPAIR GUIDE: A step-by-step guide to repairing after an argument; to ensure

  • Unfair or Unrealistic Expectations to Have in a Marriage: Episode 279

    28/02/2023 Duration: 27min

    In a marriage is it right to have expectations or does that just set you up for failure? If the answer is no, is it even the right goal to not have any expectations at all? When it comes down to your practical day to day life with your partner, the fact is you will have expectations, this cannot be avoided. Expectations are also the root cause of all your upsets. So what to do? In this episode you will hear about the expectations that are unfair and unrealistic to have because they will cause the biggest problems for you. If you can be open enough to communicate these with your partner you will be able to have a much smoother journey in marriage. There still will be times that conflict comes up from your “local” expectations momentarily. To repair these conflicts quickly, get the step-by-step guide to ensure it’s resolved for good and get back to being truly connected as a couple. It’s the Making Up & Moving Forward Guide and it’s only $19.

  • The 5 Vital Elements For Sustaining LOVE Throughout the Years, Trials, and Seasons of Life: Episode 278

    21/02/2023 Duration: 31min

    Love can feel simple and effortless in the beginning stages of a relationship, but it's not always easy to maintain that feeling over time. In this episode, we explore the 5 essential parts of love in a marriage that can help couples maintain and even grow their love for each other. We discuss how each part of love plays a crucial role in building a strong and mature relationship, and why neglecting any one of these parts can lead to challenges and struggles. We dive into the importance of passion and desire, friendship and companionship, safety and trust, shared experiences, and commitment in a marriage. We explore the common mistakes couples make in relationships and provide practical advice on how to nurture each part of love in a way that can strengthen a couple's bond. Whether you're in the early stages of a relationship or have been married for years, this episode will provide insights and tips to help you create a lasting and fulfilling marriage. Get the Making Up & Moving Forward guide here - get

  • Couples Who Do This One Thing Repair From Conflicts Faster and More Effectively: Episode 277

    14/02/2023 Duration: 23min

    As you now know from listening to this podcast, repairing conflicts is a critical skill to have a great relationship. BUT there is actually a key aspect of “conflict repair” that allows you to repair faster and more effectively. The opposite is actually just as true if not even more so. If you do not get this initial step correct, then it will lead to drawn out argument hangovers, leaving the conflict unresolved, and even resentment building up.  In this episode you will hear about this one critical (initial) step that you must get better at to have a long term healthy, successful, trusting, and loving relationship! Also do not forget to grab your copy of the NEW REPAIR GUIDE: A step-by-step guide to repairing after an argument; to ensure it’s resolved for good and get back to being truly connected as a couple. It’s the Making Up & Moving Forward Guide and it’s only $19.   Resources For Your Relationship: Watch our FREE WebClass on: The 5 Steps to Fully Repair After an Argument So You Reconnect in Minute

  • Throw Out Your Idea of One Being Right & Wrong Then Your Relationship Will Thrive: Episode 276

    08/02/2023 Duration: 16min

    Communication should seek to connect rather than disconnect. When you get to a place of one being right and one wrong then you are just creating the environment of disconnection. This isn’t the feeling you really want in a relationship, and you certainly do not come up with the best ideas for action that best serve the relationship itself.  In this episode, you will learn how to keep yourselves from getting caught in this common dynamic of feeling like one person is right and the other is wrong, which can lead to disconnection and a lack of creativity in solving relationship issues. You will gain insight into the importance of understanding and accepting the impact on the other person before explaining your intent.  The episode will also address why it's difficult in the moment to understand and accept the other person's experience and will provide solutions to help you transform these dynamics in your own relationship. You will discover tips on how to navigate disagreements without causing further damage to

  • Coping With Life’s Obstacles and Hardships as a Couple: Episode 275

    31/01/2023 Duration: 26min

    Resources For Your Relationship: NEW REPAIR GUIDE: A step-by-step guide to repairing after an argument; to ensure it’s resolved for good and get back to being truly connected as a couple. It’s the Making Up & Moving Forward Guide and it’s only $19.   About the Episode: You will face obstacles and hardships in your life as a couple. These hardships will show up as external factors in your life whether with your adult children, behavior of young kids, how your in-laws treat you, getting let go from a job, or even difficult medical news. Many things that happen to you are out of your control! However in this episode you will discover how to cope with hardships as a couple so that you can feel supported and connected with each other. In being able to face these obstacles together you strengthen your own bond and find better solutions.

  • Couples With Great Communication Do This ONE Thing Differently: Episode 274

    24/01/2023 Duration: 22min

    What does it mean to be a truly great communicator in your relationship? There is the idea that this means you will dramatically reduce the amount of tensions or challenges that you face. Relatively speaking that might be true but that is not the ONE thing that couples have in common who are great at communicating!  In this episode you will hear what this one thing is. The fact is that you will have tension and face challenges in your marriage, that is not going away all together. After this episode you will have a better idea of what your goal is for communication and conflict resolution so that you can grow into truly masterful communicators and better stay on the same side with your partner when challenges arise!   Resources For Your Relationship: NEW CONFLICT GUIDE: A step-by-step guide to repairing after an argument; to ensure it’s resolved for good and get back to the good times. It’s called Making Up & Moving Forward Guide and it’s only $19. It is not available to the public yet, you can be the fir

  • Brutally Honest Feedback For the Wives + Women to Have a Better Relationship: Episode 273

    17/01/2023 Duration: 24min

    This episode provides bold reminders for the women to make positive changes in the relationship. It’s easy to find ourselves unconsciously acting in ways that aren’t our best, which can deplete and diminish the love in the relationship. This episode provides you the “tough love” that your friends and family won’t provide for you. We’re all human and so we’re not expecting you to be perfect, but instead to see how you can be even 10-20% better for your relationship. Tune in for 3 pieces of feedback for the wives and women. Also, make sure you listen to the episode for the husbands and men. Sign up for the 5 Day Couples Challenges Challenge starting January 22rd, 2023 HERE   Relationship Resources: 1) After that date you can watch our FREE WebClass on: The 5 Steps to Fully Repair After an Argument So You Reconnect in Minutes (Instead of Hours, Days, Weeks). Pick a time to watch it here. 2) Get The Communication Mastery Bundle course for you and your partner to grow closer together, communicate more effectively

  • Brutally Honest Feedback For Husband's + Men to Have a Better Relationship: Episode 272

    10/01/2023 Duration: 21min

    This episode is a strong invitation for the men to step up and be a leader of the relationship. Being a leader is about acknowledging where you can be a better person and a better partner. It’s about looking at the patterns that you have that are not serving you or the relationship. Then go to work on transforming those patterns first before asking your partner to change their own patterns.  In this episode you will hear 3 pieces of feedback that we have for the men that come from the coaching sessions we have been having most recently. There are common threads that men can be responsible for right now to have an even better relationship.   Resources For Your Relationship: Join the 5 Day Couples Challenge that starts on Jan 23rd, 2023.    After that date you can watch our FREE WebClass on: The 5 Steps to Fully Repair After an Argument So You Reconnect in Minutes (Instead of Hours, Days, Weeks). Pick a time to watch it here. Get The Communication Mastery Bundle course for you and your partner to grow closer t

  • 4 Steps to Forgiveness to Move Forward, Without the Past Holding You Back: Episode 271

    03/01/2023 Duration: 23min

    Forgiveness is one of the most important aspects of a relationship. It is usually spoken about as this thing that should be easy to do however. Mainly because it’s accompanied by the statement “just let it go and move past it already!”  But forgiveness isn’t an easy thing to do and just moving on creates an environment for it to just pop up later. Or at the very least it creates an emotional wedge of disconnection with your partner. In this episode you will hear 4 steps you can take to be able to truly forgive and be able to move forward into a new future without bringing anything from the past!   Resources For Your Relationship: Join the 5 Day Couples Challenge that starts on Jan 23rd, 2023.    After that date you can watch our FREE WebClass on: The 5 Steps to Fully Repair After an Argument So You Reconnect in Minutes (Instead of Hours, Days, Weeks). Pick a time to watch it here. Get The Communication Mastery Bundle course for you and your partner to grow closer together, communicate more effectively, and

  • Set Your Marriage Up For Success With 3 Simple Habits: Episode 270

    27/12/2022 Duration: 24min

    When you get down to it, your life is not made up of big exciting events, it’s actually all the tiny moments that make up the large majority of your life. That being said, are these moments fun, playful, connected, or intentional? Or do you fall trap to them being mundane, frustrating, disconnected, or checked out?  In this episode you will hear 3 daily, weekly, and monthly habits to put in place so that your relationship can be successful by having all these small moments be meaningful. The small moments can only be mastered by small habits, so we invite you to commit to these as you start your new year! As a bonus, hear our word for the year and talk with your partner about the intention word you both want to set for your new year ahead!   Resources For Your Relationship: Find all of the best next steps to contionue the growth within your relationship here.

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